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A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
M enuoverview
M enu
P a ra m et
D escript
Inkc onfig
D isplays the information (inkc onfig)
foreac h inkc as s ette ins talled in the
inkc as s ette s lot.
O rigin s etting
S ets the printing s tartpos ition
(origin)forprinting d ata.
Tes tprint
P erform s tes tprinting.
M ed ia s etting
M akes variou s m ed ia s ettings .
P rintm od e s etting
M akes variou s printm od e s ettings .
C om mand s etting
M akes variou s printerc om mand
s ettings .
L ayou ts etting
M akes variou s layou tfu nc tion
s ettings .
Fu nc tion s etting
M akes variou s proc es s ing printing
d ata s ettings .
Rolls etups etting
M akes variou s rollmed ia s ettings .
C entronics s etting
S ets C entronics Interfac e
c ommu nication mod e.
N etworks etting
M akes the s ettings forthe network
interfac e.
Utility s etting
M akes variou s ad vanc ed fu nc tion
s ettings .
Initialize s etting
Retu rns the parameters to fac tory
d efau ltvalues .
D ata d u m p
The d u mpprinting forthe online
feature c hec kwillbe performed .
InkM anager
P erform 'H ead W as h','InkC hange'or
'C harge, D isc harge'.
M anu alM aintenanc e
M akes the c arriage go to the left
maintenanc e area.
Tu bing Flus h
M akes variou s tubing flus h s ettings
H ead Unloc k
To u nloc kthe head
Tankc hange
To c hange the was te bottle
Vers ion C hec k
A bility to view the ins talled firmware
vers ion.
A rea
A bility to s ee the printed length