Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter5 P rinterm enu
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
O perating panelduring printing
W hen s end ing a file to you rprinter, following mes s ages c an be d isplayed .
P rinting m enu
D u ringprinting, extra inform ation abou tthe c u rrentjob is available. This information is s hown
in the " P rinting" menu , which is extend ed
P res s m enu
to brows e throu gh the pages while printing.
[F1]-O n the fly step adjustm ents.
In c as e ofoverlapped printing images orwhite lines on printing im age, the s teps hou ld be
ad jus ted .
[F2]-C leaning
Itis pos s ible to c lean the head s when enc ou ntering m iss ing nozzles d u ring printing.
D epend ing on the qu antity ofm iss ing nozzles , a little, normalorpowerfu lc leaning c an be
performed .
B esuret
o rea da ndunderst
a ndt
h esa fet
yw a rning sbeforeh a ndling t
h eprint
F orm oredet
a ilsa boutst
ep a djust
m ent
, plea serefert
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