Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
Ink absorbents
Thes e abs orbents are d eveloped to abs orb the inks poiled atthe ed ges ofthe fabrics . This
toolis meantfores pec ially ed ge-to-ed ge printing on s elfed ge fabrics . Itis also pos s ible to
ins tallthe abs orbents fors tand ard printing (with m argin)when you d o not(need to)u s e the
fabric retainers . C ons equ ently forfabrics with s elfed ges .
Installation procedure
M aintenance
Rins e the abs orbentwith waterwhen itis s aturated with ink.
Adjustable head height
S ome fabrics are very hairy and c ou ld tou c h the head s d u ring printing. Therefore, d ifferent
head heights c an be s et:
L ow (1 , 2 mm)
M idd le (2 , 0 mm )
M id-high (3, 0 mm )
H igh (4, 0 m m)
Edg e-t
o-edg eprint
Reg ula rprint
W hen printing ed ge-to-ed ge, you willprint
widerthan the fabric width. M aximu m 5 c m
atboth s ides . P os ition the abs orbentu ntil
you have an extra 1 c m . S o in this c as e 6
c m.
W hen leaving a margin while printing and
you d o not(need to)u s e the fabric retainers ,
itis rec omm end ed to ins tallthe abs orbents
u nd erthe leftand righted ge ofthe fabric.
M ake s u re thatthere is 2 c m ofthe
abs orbentvisible.
W erecom m endyou t
o uset
h elow estpossibleh ea dh eig h t
. Th ist
o obt
a in t
h e
ing qua lit