Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
S w itchable printplatform
S inc e the V iperTX 1 0 0 is a u nivers alprinterable to printon bothtextile and trans ferpaper, it
is nec es s ary to ad aptthe printplatform forthe application you c hoos e. S witching the print
platform is very s imple.
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S w itching the printplatform into an inkgutter
This need s to be d one when you wantto printonto textile.
The gu tterinhibits s mearing ofthe inkatthe bac ks ide ofthe fabric allowing printing onto
fabrics with an open s tru c ture.
Inkprinted throu gh the fabric willbe rec eived in an inkgu tterand willbe d rained away.
To s witch the printplatform into an inkgu tter, proc eed as follows .
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O pen the frontc over.
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C arefu lly liftthe printplatform ou tofits fitting.
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Tu rn the printplatform s o thatthe inkgu tteris u ps ide and the velcro s trips match.
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C arefu lly ins ertthe inkgu tter.
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P res s the inkgu tterc arefu lly d own and verify thatitis nowhere s ticking ou t.