Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
S w itching O N -O FF the pow erofthe w inding system
There is a s witch loc ated on the powers u pply box ofthe wind ing s ys tem.
Its s tatu s is m arked with "O " and "I".
" I" S witched O N P owerL E D on c ontrolpanelofwind ing s ys tem willlightu p
" O " S witched O FF P owerL ED on c ontrolpanelofwind ing s ys tem willnotbe lit.
B esuret
o rea da ndunderst
a ndt
h esa fet
yw a rning sbeforeh a ndling t
h eprint