IMPACT67-P manual
Cable Routing
You can avoid EMC problems by observing elementary basic rules of cable routing:
Route data lines as far away from power lines as possible.
Route data lines and power lines at least 10 cm apart.
Only intersect data and power lines at right angles.
Route data and power lines in separate, shielded compartments.
Remember the interference potential of other devices or lines when you route the cables.
Place frequency converters, motor lines, and other devices and lines that emit high-
frequency interference at the greatest possible distance.
Blackouts and Brownouts
Transient voltage cutoffs (<10 ms) normally pose no operational problems as the electronics are
protected by capacitors integrated in the power circuits. This does not apply to the power
supplies of the sensors and actuators connected to the module. Their high power requirement
cannot be covered by the capacitors integrated in the device. For this reason, even transient
interruptions in actuator voltage result in undesirable switching operations.
Due to the integrated input filter, a change in the input signal of less than 1 ms leads to no
change in the input state signaled to the Master. Longer interruptions in sensor supply may lead
to input signal changes.
Separate Power Supplies
Sensors or actuators can be powered by common power supply units. However, it is preferable
to use separate power supplies in order to maximize the electromagnetic compatibility of the
overall system.
Interference Suppression of Inductive Loads
The outputs of the devices described in this manual have an integrated protective circuit that
provides safety against high-energy interference voltages, such as those that occur when
inductive consumers are switched.
Fig. 1:
Interference Suppression of Inductive Loads
A suppressor diode helps to reduce quickly the energy stored in the inductive load of a
magnetic field. However, it is recommended to use commercially available protection circuits for
inductive loads, especially loads in the range of the maximum current-carrying capacity of a
channel at switching frequencies of > 1 Hz. These protection circuits can reduce the energy
stored in the connected inductances.
Bipolar Suppressor Diode
Inductive load
(e.g. solenoid valve)