IMPACT67-P manual
IMPACT67-P specific
Sensor short-circuit Short circuit or overload at Pin 1 of the M12 socket causes the self-
resetting fuse to trip. Each M12 socket is separately fused. A red LED
indicates the fault at the associated M12 socket. This error is signaled via
the DP diagnostics. The sensor power supply is automatically reset after
the fault is rectified.
Actuator shutdown
Short-circuit or overload at an output causes the output to be disabled.
This error is signaled via the DP diagnostics. A red LED indicates the
fault at the associated M12 socket. This is followed by an automatic
restart of the output.
The voltages of the sensor power supply and actuator power supply are
detected separately. If 18 VDC is undershot, this error is signaled via the
DP diagnostics. If the sensor power supply suffers from undervoltage, the
LED labeled "US Error" lights up red. If the actuator power supply suffers
from undervoltage, the LED labeled "UA Error" lights up red.