AWK-5222 User’s Manual
Other Console Configurations
You can use the menu tree on the left side of the window to open the function pages to access each
of AWK-5222’s functions.
In the following paragraphs, we will go through each of the AWK-5222’s management functions in
detail. You can also get a quick overview of these functions in the “Function Guiding Map” section
of Chapter 2.
The model name of the AWK-5222 is shown as AWK-5222-XX where XX indicates the country
code. The country code represents the AWK-5222 version and which bandwidth it uses. We use
as an example in the following figures. The country code of model name on the
screen may vary if you are using a different version (band) AWK-5222.
For security reasons, you will need to log back into the AWK-5222 after the 5-minute time-out.