Fs340_02b_oi_e.docx / Nov-21
Page 26 / 49
Jog Ramp:
Ramp time in seconds for Jog operations with respect
to speed changes between standstill and maximum
speed (setpoint 10 V)
0 … 99
Min. Position,
Max. Position:
Programmable software limit switches scaled in length
units for the extreme forward and rear carriage position.
The settings refer to the “Zero” Position, which is set by
the “Set Zero Position” input. In general (but this is not
a “must”), the Zero position is also used as the “Home”
Position. In this case, the Min Pos must always be set to
negative and the Max Pos must always be set to
positive values.
When the Start command is off, these two software
limit switches will limit the traveling range with Jog
With automatic operation (Start command set), only the
rear “Min. Position” switch remains active and sets the
unit to an Error state when touched during production.
The front “Max. Position” switch however is out of
operation. Instead, the “Alarm position” switch (see
next parameter) is monitoring the forward carriage
motion and sets an alarm output when touched during a
cutting cycle.
99999 … 0
0 … 999999
Alarm Position:
Sets an alarm position scaled in length units for the
forward motion of the carriage during automatic cutting
The “Alarm” output indicates that the actual carriage
position is beyond the “Alarm Position” setting (See
also parameters “Min.Position”, “Max.Position” and
output “Alarm”).
0 … 999999
The Home Position of the carriage for executing a cut is always the position
where the carriage is located at the moment where the Start command is set.
The Zero position however is the position where the carriage is located while
the controller is powered up, or where it stands during the falling edge of the
“Set Zero Position” command.
Therefore “Home” must not necessarily be “Zero” at the same time!