1 . Enter the number using the keypad
2 . Press the LSK ‘Save’
3 . Use the and keys to highlight the Phone Book category, ‘Home’, ‘Office’ or ‘Mobile’
7 . Press the LSK ‘OK’
8 . Use the and keys to highlight ‘New Entry’ or ‘Existing Entry’
9 . Press the LSK ‘Select’ .
If you have selected ‘Existing Entry’ the handset will check if a number already exists in
the selected category, if it does, a check screen will be displayed for you to confirm if the
existing number should be overwritten .
10 . Using the keypad, enter or edit the name for the entry . If you need to delete any incorrect
characters or digits, just press the RSK ‘Clear’ .
To enter the characters for a name, press the key the required number of times eg: for the
letter ‘H’ you would press the number 4 key twice . If 2 consecutive characters are on the
same key, enter the first character, then wait for the cursor to move to the right before
pressing the key again to enter the next character . If you need a space, just press the ‘0’ .
You can use the ‘*’ key to switch between initial CAPS ‘Abc’, upper case ‘ABC’, lower case
‘abc’ or digits ‘123’ and the ‘1’ and ‘#’ keys to enter punctuation symbols .
11 . Press the LSK ‘Save’ to confirm and store the entry .
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