Motorola A920 Service Manual Download Page 50


Antenna Circuit


All cellular receive bands are fed into either the internal antenna or external antenna. M001 is a mechanical switch which has the internal antenna path connected when a
no insertion condition exists. The RF path will switch to external antenna upon insertion of a male SMA connector to M001. The internal antenna path is fed to the
FEM(Front End Module) through antenna matching components.  The FEM provides band selection and filtering between the EGSM, DCS, PCS and WCDMA receive
and transmit bands to a single antenna port. GSM band selection is done by control lines N_BAND_1 and N_BAND_0_G. Mode selection is done by control lines
HL_TX_EN, RX_EN_LIFE, N_GSM_EXC_EN, and GSM_EXC_EN. The diplexing arrangement permits reception of  WCDMA signals in any FEM switch position.
This allows the phone, while in a GSM call in any band, to detect signals from a WCDMA base station. The decision may then be made to hand over to the WCDMA
system.  Similarly, EGSM base station signals can be detected while the phone is in a WCDMA call to permit a handover decision from WCDMA to EGSM (This is not
possible for base station signals in the DCS and PCS bands.).

Signals received at the antenna between 2110 - 2170MHz will see the RF switch as an open circuit at any position.  Consequently WCDMA Rx signals will go through
FL2 to the WCDMA receiver.  FL2 should have a maximum insertion loss of ~0.5dB.  Outside of the WCDMA Rx band, FL2 behaves as an open circuit, preventing out-
of-band signals from reaching the WCDMA receiver.

GSM, DCS, and PCS receive signals from the antenna port through the FEM should have a maximum insertion loss of -4.4dB. The FEM EGSM transmit path should
have a maximum insertion loss of -2.5dB. The FEM DCS transmit path should have a maximum insertion loss of -3.1dB. The FEM PCS transmit path should have a
maximum insertion loss of -3.7dB.

Q902 is a dual FET package that’s being used to multiplex function of the N_BAND_0 control signal coming from the Magic LV. With the use of Q902,
N_GSM_EXC_EN will follow N_BAND_0. GSM_EXC_EN will be the inverted level of N_BAND_0. Q906 is another dual FET package that’s used to prevent simulta-
neous GSM and WCDMA transmission conditions. During WCDMA transmission conditions, HL_TX_EN will be in a high state. This will open both FETs in Q906,
thus, disabling any signal functions from control lines NB_EXC_EN and N_BAND_0. Q901 is used to invert the control signal coming from Q906.   






l Pr






Int Antenna




Ext Antenna







CMOS level shifter

Decoder ASIC


































Summary of Contents for A920

Page 1: ...DIGITAL WIRELESS TELEPHONE Level 3Service Manual Draft 1 1 Model A920 A925 UMTS2100MHz PCS1900MHz DCS1800MHz GSM 800MHz ...

Page 2: ...ot decompile disassemble reverse engineer or modify the Software This License is effective until terminated You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software together with all copies The License also terminates if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement United States copyright laws as well as international treaty provisions protect this Software and accompanyin...

Page 3: ...u 2 1 Figure 2 Install Window 2 1 Figure 3 Test Command Icon 2 1 Handset Test Command Mode Entry 2 2 Figure 4 Password Prompt 2 2 Figure 5 Sub Applications 2 2 Figure 6 Main Entry Screen 2 2 Figure 6 Input Format 2 2 Entry Method 2 3 Opcode entry 2 3 Figure 7 Fields entered Separately 2 3 Entering Data 2 3 Figure 8 Fields Entered with Delimiter 2 3 Figure 9 Keyboard Entry 2 3 Figure 10 Stylus Entr...

Page 4: ...s 3 6 Table 5 DCS Call Parameters 3 6 Table 6 PCS Call Parameters 3 6 Figure 16 Burst Output Shape 3 6 Table 7 GSM DCS PCS Handover 3 6 WCDMA Call Processing 3 7 Hardware Requirements 3 7 Software Requirements 3 7 Call Origination WCDMA 3 7 Figure 17 WCDMA Signalling Setup 3 7 Figure 18 Channel Uplink UE Signal 3 7 Figure 19 TPC PatternType UE Signal 3 8 Figure 20 WCDMA Call Connected 3 8 WCDMA Ca...

Page 5: ... 3 18 Bluetooth Tests V500 V600 only 3 19 Unmodulated CW TX test 3 19 Camera Testing 3 20 Hardware Requirements 3 20 CameraTest Configuration 3 20 Figure 9 CameraTest Configuration 3 21 Image Capture 3 22 Macbeth Color Chart 3 23 Focus Chart 3 23 Grey Scale Chart ShadingTest 3 23 Service Diagrams 4 1 Introduction 4 1 Test Point Measurements 4 1 Antenna Circuit 4 2 GSM Receiver Front End 4 4 Magic ...

Page 6: ...rcuit 4 54 Video Circuit 4 56 Helen 4 58 Helen Interfaces 4 60 Helen Flash Memory 4 62 Helen SDRAM 4 64 SIM Connector 4 66 Battery Connector J5400 4 68 Camera Connector J7600 4 70 MMC Connector J3900 4 72 Keyboard Connector JPCH 4 74 Display Connector J5200 4 76 CE Bus Connector J5000 4 78 Signal Flow Diagram Side 1 4 80 Signal Flow Diagram Side 2 4 81 RF Block Diagram 4 82 Baseband Block Diagram ...

Page 7: ...rocedure Consulta Motorolarepresentativetoensurethatthecorrectsoft wareisprogrammed Softwareupdatesallowstheserviceorganizationtore solve field software issues that customers may be ex periencing Someissuesmaypertaintospecificcondi tions therefore notallunitswillcontainidenticalsoft wareversions Hardware Requirements The following hardware will be required to properly flashthephone Power Solution ...

Page 8: ...aysinsure thatallhardwareconnectionsaresecured Refertofig ure1forflashconnectionguides Anyintermittenthard ware connections may cause the procedure to fail and resultinanonfunctional Bricked 3Gterminal TheA920 A925 contains a set of Flash EPROMs for the Adjunct Processor and a separate set of Flash EPROMs for the Baseband Processor Due to this de sign theA920 A925 will require separate Flash files...

Page 9: ...Motorola Confidential Proprietary Flash Procedures 1 3 Figure 1 PST Hardware Configuration PSM5049A SKN6311A ...

Page 10: ...t the phone is completely powered on 5 In the PST application click on the Browse button and select the desired flash software 6 Selectthedevicethatwillbeflashed 7 The3GterminalwillbeplacedinAdjunctflash mode selectthedeviceagaintoenabletheFlash button 8 ClickontheFlashbuttontobeginflashing DO NOTinterruptanyhardwareconnectionsdur ingtheflashprocess Connectioninterruptions may cause the flashing p...

Page 11: ... Step up procedures can be found in the software release notes InordertosuccessfullyflashaA920 thefollowingse quenceisrecommended 1 Backup user data 2 Flash upgrade the software 3 Perform a Master Clear 4 Restore user data Flash Procedure Summary Thefollowingisasummaryoftheproceduresforflash ing aA920 1 LaunchPST 2 Connect USB hardware Insure 3G terminal remainsoff 3 Power up 3G terminal 4 Use the...

Page 12: ...Motorola Confidential Proprietary Flash Procedures 1 6 ...

Page 13: ...tain the file testcmdui sis file from your local Motorola service representative Use the following procedure to prop erlyinstallthehandsettestcommandapplication 1 Copythetestcmduifileintoamemorycard SD orMMC andinsurethatthecardisinsertedin the phone 2 From theApp Launcher screen select Install fromtheLauncherdropdownlist 3 The user will be prompt with a list of software installationfiles 4 Highli...

Page 14: sensitive 4 Once the application is launched the user is presentedwithalistofsubapplications 5 Choose HandsetTest Commands to enter the Test command Opcode screen 6 Before entering any commands the user will should select the data input format under the Editmenu 7 TheusercanselectHexidecimalordecimal 8 Under the Edit menu the user can also clear a fieldorallfields 9 The Back key will return the...

Page 15: entry prompt it is not legal to have a commaimmediatelyfollowanothercomma Opcode entry The opcode entry prompt allows the user to enter the opcode for the test command or the opcode plus ad ditionalparametersdelimitedbythe character The user may select Test after entering the opcode If theopcoderequiresfurtherparameters thelistofFields shall be shown starting with 1 After all the fields are ent...

Page 16: ...9 When the user presses Test the values shall be checkedwhethertheymatchthevaluesthatareallowed If not they shall get an Error Message as follows After the user presses Continue they shall be taken back to the field where the incorrect entry method was found If command processing takes more than 2 seconds a messagewilldisplay RunningTest Result Screen The display of the output shall always be in H...

Page 17: ...0 Set Get Sub mode OK Set Call Processing Mode 12 18 INVM 18 level OK Master clear or reset 14 20 LOAD_SYN 20 Channel 0 OK Set GSM channel 22 34 RESTART 34 OK Generate a software restart 2D 45 SET_RF_PWR 45 Power level OK Set GSM Power level 36 54 SUSPEND 54 OK Terminate normal mode and enter test mode 37 55 TST_DISP 55 Parameter Parameter Data OK Display predefined patterns 39 57 VERSION 57 versi...

Page 18: ...d response generic success no data follows 0111b 0x07 7 command response generic failure no data follows 1000b 0x08 8 command response data follows 1001b 0x09 9 unsolicited multiple response data follows sequence tag is 0 1010b 0x0A 10 error couldn t allocate memory 1011b 0x0B 11 error internal task error 1100b 0x0C 12 error Test Command task timed out waiting for response from another SW componen...

Page 19: ...0 lowest 7 loudest 0 PCAP loopback 6 CODEC loopback 7 VOCODER speech loopback 0 Disable Audio loopback 1 Enable Audio loopback 0 stop a tone 1 start a tone 0 Vibrator 2 Echo canceling 3 Noise suppressor 0 Disable 1 Enable This field is valid only for VOCODER loopback 0 AMR 4 75 1 AMR 5 15 2 AMR 5 90 3 AMR 6 70 4 AMR 7 40 5 AMR 7 95 6 AMR 10 20 7 AMR 12 20 8 Full Rate 16 Enhanced Full Rate 32 Half ...

Page 20: ...ut path 2 Internal handset Speaker 3 Alert 4 Ext audio output CE Bus 5 Speakerphone 6 Boom headset speaker Field 1 0 All zeroes 1 All ones 2 pseudo random sequence w midamble 0 3 pseudo random sequence w midamble 1 4 pseudo random sequence w midamble 2 5 pseudo random sequence w midamble 3 6 pseudo random sequence w midamble 4 7 pseudo random sequence w midamble 5 8 pseudo random sequence w midamb...

Page 21: ... Channel number in decimal Valid channel numbers are 1 124 PGSM 900 MHz 0 975 1023 EGSM 900 MHz 512 885 DCS 1800 MHz 512 810 PCS 1900 MHz Field 2 Reserved for future use and TDMA set to 0 34 RESTART Field 1 As is 45 SET_RF_PWR Field 1 PA power level 0 19 54 SUSPEND Field 1 As is Field 1 2 Display Predefined Pattern 9 Turn On Off the Front Light Field 2 Data Data for 2 000 All pixels off all black ...

Page 22: ...on number P2K Booter Only Field 1 0 Keypad Backlight LED 3 Red LED 4 Green LED Field 2 3 Set duty cycle Red Green LEDS Only Field 3 Duty Cycle setup 000 Off 012 ON Field 1 UARFCN for Receive Frequency ID Valid values are between 0 and 16383 If TX_FREQ_ID is set to 0xFFFF then RX_FREQ_ID must take values between 190 5 and 16383 Note If a valid TX_FREQ_ID will be entered RX_FREQ_ID must be set to FF...

Page 23: ...dBm to 127 dBm Field 4 Maximum transmit power dBm 128 dBm to 127 dBm Field 5 Minimum transmit power dBm 128 dBm to 127 dBm Field 6 0 All 0s 1 All 1s 2 PN9 3 PN15 Field 7 0 Disable spreading 1 Enable spreading Field 8 0 Disable scrambling 1 Enable long scrambling 2 Enable short scrambling Field 9 0 SF256 slot format 0 1 SF256 slot format 1 5 SF256 slot format 5 Field 100 SF256 slot format 0 1 SF128...

Page 24: ...Motorola Confidential Proprietary A920 A925 Handset Test Commands 2 12 Preliminary ...

Page 25: ... 2 WCDMA Mobile Originated Call 3 GSM handover 4 DCS handover 5 PCS handover Non Signalling Test Measurements InaneventthatthephoneexhibitsRFfailuresthatpre ventcallprocessing theservicetechnicianmayneedto performsomenon signallingtests Thesetestswillpro videinformationregardingwhichstageofthephoneis failing prior to opening the phone for troubleshooting Thefollowingtestswillbedescribedinthischapt...

Page 26: ...Full Rate Power Supply PSM5049A Battery Eliminator 5 00 3F 10000 with 2 WireAdapter 2 00 68 10000 Note Requires a single output power supply Control Interface Options PCS Only USB Cable SKN6311A SerialCable SKN6315A withCEconverter SYN0279B Note If handset test commands are being used a con trol interface is not needed RFInterface Everythinglistedisrequired SMA N typeAdapter 0 00 00 40042 SMA Cabl...

Page 27: ...MTS UserEquipment WCDMA FDD Non Signalling Signalling Selection GSM Mobile Station GSM 1800 Signalling Overview P t Normal GMSK Analyzer Generator Overview Hotkeys Set 1 GSM1900 Overview Menu Select Ch 2 Circuit Switched Single Slot Connect Control Ch 1 Slot Single Slot GSM Mode TCH Level RF Channel Hopping Timeslot BS Signal Signal On Connection Control 900 20 0 dB 85 0 dBm 925 2 MHz 975 Off 3 Fr...

Page 28: ... 00 00 40047 SMA N type Adapter 0 00 00 40042 A830 Battery Eliminator 5 00 3F 10000 P2K USB Cable SKN6311A 2 Wire Adapter 2 00 68 10000 Power Supply 3 6Vdc 2A CMU200 Test Box or Equivalent P2K Serial Cable SKN6315A RS232 to CE SYN0279B Radio Comm equipped Computer Figure 13 A920 Manual Test Hardware Configuration OR Control Interface ...

Page 29: up phone StartRadioCommapplication Correctly select Settings option for USB or serial ClickonAT mode suspend CP_Mode1900 respectfully Power cycle phone Repeat steps 1 through 10 in the Call Origination GSMandDCSonly sectionwiththefollowingmodi fications SetPCSSignalling BCH 661 TCH 512 OncePCScallprocessingiscomplete returnthephone toitsoriginalstatebyperformingthefollowingproce dure HandsetTes...

Page 30: ... Time Advance Error 1 1 bit sym RMS Phase Error 0 5 deg Peak Phase Error 20 20 deg Frequency Error 180 180 Hz RX Level Error 103 dBm 3 11 RX Quality 103 dBm 0 4 BER 103 10k bits 0 2 Parameter Low Limit High Limit Unit Burst Avg Power Out 31 33 dBm Burst Output Shape 1 1 P F Time Advance Error 1 1 bit sym RMS Phase Error 0 5 deg Peak Phase Error 20 20 deg Frequency Error 90 90 Hz RX Level Error 105...

Page 31: ...ection GSM Mobile Station GSM 1800 Signalling Overview P t Normal GMSK Power Spectrum Hotkeys Set 1 Menu Select Ch 2 Connect Control Ch 1 WCDMAFDD Spectrum Band I WCDMA Call Processing In order to successfully complete a GSM call process ing procedure a test USIM card needs to be available Test USIM cards have default call parameters that al lowuserstoperformcallprocessingteststhroughGSM basestati...

Page 32: ... DPCCH DPDCH 1 SR1 15 20 8 StatisticCount OutofTolerance 10 100 00 WCDMAFDD Modulation Band I Ana Set Slot Number 0 UE Power 20 81 dBm 22 16 26 5 8 5 8 80 10 2 15 3 14 03 15 3 5 6 5 52 5 6 11 5 12 47 15 4 3 7 3 95 4 9 33 06 dB 32 95 dB 32 37 dB 21 74 dB 21 38 dB 20 07 dB 5 Hz 4 Hz 76 Hz 0 9929 0 99226 0 9897 29 11 dB 28 12 dB 25 49 dB Q 1 I 0 Magn Error Phase Error I Q Origin Offset I Q Imbalance ...

Page 33: ... the listed procedure to place the phone in sus pend mode HandsetTest Commands 54 ok Suspend Radio CommTest Commands ClickAT MODE then SUSPEND Serial Only ClickPSTInitializeandclickSUS PENDwheninitializationiscomplete USBOnly Hardware Requirements Refer to page 3 2 for a list of Hardware Refer to Fig ure13foraconfigurationillustration Software Requirements HandsetTest Command No software needed Co...

Page 34: ...y GSM RSSI by initiating the commands in this section Verify that the RSSI results are equal to the Broadcast Channel BCH level The user will need to settheRFgeneratorwiththefollowingparameters BroadcastChannel BCH 20 BroadcastChannel BCH Level 105 dBm HandsetTest Commands No supported test commands Radio CommTest Commands Click on 900 1800 GSM DCS or 1900 PCS EnterChannel20 Click INIT ClickExecut...

Page 35: ...t Commands 54 ok Suspend Radio CommTest Commands ClickAT MODE then SUSPEND SerialOnly ClickPSTInitializeandclickSUS PENDwheninitializationiscomplete USBOnly Hardware Requirements Refer to page 2 for a list of Hardware Refer to Figure 4foraconfigurationillustration Table 9 WCDMA TX Power Output Software Requirements HandsetTest Command No software needed ComputerTest Command Radio Comm latest relea...

Page 36: ...Test Procedures This section describes how to use test commands to verifyaudioandvibratefunctions Inordertosuccessfullysendtestcommandstothephone under test the phone needs to be in suspend mode Follow the listed procedure to place the phone in sus pend mode HandsetTest Commands 54 ok Suspend Radio CommTest Commands Click AT MODE then SUSPEND SerialOnly Click PST Initialize and click SUS PENDwheni...

Page 37: ...oder loopback at EnhancedFullRate Verification Speak into the handset mic and listen for undistorted speech in the handset speaker Mono Headset Mic Speaker test HandsetTest Commands 6 4 6 Enable headset mic and headset speaker 4 7 1 16 Enable VOCODER loopback at En hancedFullRate RadioCommTestCommands Enable headset mic and headset speaker Enable Vocoder loopback at EnhancedFullRate Verification S...

Page 38: ...Commands Enable headset mic and headset speaker Enable Vocoder loopback at EnhancedFullRate Verification Speak into the headset mic and listen for undistorted speech in the headset speaker Melody Speaker test HandsetTest Commands 0 1 245 Play BACH_INVENTION_1 0 0 245 Stop BACH_INVENTION_1 NOTE DO NOT issue a Suspend command 54 ok forthistest RadioCommTestCommands Currentlynotsupported Verification...

Page 39: ... software version Select Build Time andclick Get tore trieveBuildDate Display Test Procedures Thissectionwilldescribethepropertestproceduresto determinethefunctionalityofthecolordisplay Anytests that involve displaying a predefined pattern can be re turnedtotheOpcodescreenbypressingtherightsoftkey of the phone Inordertosuccessfullysendtestcommandstothephone under test the phone needs to be in susp...

Page 40: ... on the phone s display matches the color box in figure 23 Also verify edges uniform smooth Figure 24 Grey Scale Block Display Linearity Test HandsetTest Commands 55 2 005 Grey Scale Block RadioCommTestCommands SelectGreyScaleand click Set Verification VerifythattheGreyscaleblockonthephone sdisplay matchestheGreyscaleblockinfigure14 Thistestcan alsobeusedtoconfirmthatthecolorintensityislinear Disp...

Page 41: ...ification Verifythatnonoticableflickerexists Display Test Procedures Display Pixel Defect Bright HandsetTest Commands 55 2 001 Allpixelson allwhite RadioCommTestCommands Select All Pixels Off andclick Set Verification Verify that no greater than two pixels are off Display Pixel Defect Dark HandsetTest Commands 55 2 000 Allpixelsoff allblack RadioCommTestCommands Select All Pixels On andclick Set V...

Page 42: ...en SUSPEND SerialOnly Click PST Initialize and click SUS PENDwheninitializationiscomplete USBOnly Status LEDS HandsetTest Commands 62 3 3 012 EnableRedLED 62 4 3 012 EnableGreenLED RadioCommTestCommands Select Red LED or Green LED to enable Deselect Red LED or Green LED to disable Verification Verify that the Red and Green status LEDS activate Leave field 3 blank and press OK Keypad Backlight Hand...

Page 43: ...scomplete USBOnly Unmodulated CW TX test Handset Test Commands Not Supported RadioCommTest Commands UnderBluetooth selectparameter84andclickexecute then select 81 and click execute Under Bluetooth select parameter 01 and enter 2DFC0129 in the TO Radio field Click Execute NOTE TheBluetoothTXsignalwillactivatemomen tarilyoncetheHCIcommandisissued Youmusthave the RF probe positioned for measurement o...

Page 44: ... Color Chart 5 Hardcopy of Focus Chart 6 Hardcopy of Grey Chart Camera Test Configuration UseanycolorprintertoprintahardcopyoftheMacbeth color chart The Focus chart and Grey chart can be printedusinganyB Wprinter For best results follow this recommended setup 1 Attachcharttoaflatverticalsurface wall 2 Attach the phone to the desktop charger 3 Attachthecontrolinterfacetodesktopcharger 4 Ifnecessary...

Page 45: ...dures Level 3 Service Manual 3 21 Preliminary Figure 9 Camera Test Configuration Desktop Charger SPN5078A Phone under Test Camera View Camera Test Charts To Computer To Outlet 110V 220V Velcro or equivalent USB SKN6311A Serial SYN0279B Charger SPN5049A ...

Page 46: ...apture three images 1 theMacbethcolorchart 2 thefocuschart and 3 the grey scale chart The user will be required toprintallimagesfoundinAppendixA Handset Test Commands Not supported Radio CommTest Commands Under Common Features select Camera Click TakePicture Once the picture is captured it ll be displayed on the screen Click SaveTo File ...

Page 47: ...inimal noise level for Blue Green and Red on blocks 19 through 24 2 Uniformityforgreyscaleblocks19through24 3 Good white balance on blocks 19 through 24 4 Goodcolorreproductiononblocks13through 18 Focus Chart 1 From the computer open the captured focus chartimage Verify the focus quality at the center top left corner bottom left corner top right corner and bottom right corner Grey Scale Chart Shad...

Page 48: ...Motorola Confidential Proprietary A920 A925 Manual Test Procdures 3 24 Preliminary ...

Page 49: ...f carefully selected to ex cludedcomponentsthatareunlikelytofail Test Point Measurements Themeasurementslabeledontheservicediagramsare approximatevaluesandmayvaryslightly Thesemea surements are dependent on the accuracy of the test equipment Itisstronglyrecommendedthatthetestequipmentcali brationschedulebefollowedasstatedbythemanufac turer RFprobesshouldbecalibratedforeachfrequency in which tests ...

Page 50: ...ll go through FL2 to the WCDMA receiver FL2 should have a maximum insertion loss of 0 5dB Outside of the WCDMA Rx band FL2 behaves as an open circuit preventing out of band signals from reaching the WCDMA receiver GSM DCS and PCS receive signals from the antenna port through the FEM should have a maximum insertion loss of 4 4dB The FEM EGSM transmit path should have a maximum insertion loss of 2 5...

Page 51: ...0 U101 U101 U101 T650 T660 T670 U810 L825 FL001 E3503 FL001 FL001 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX FL030 M001 C005 C010 C008 C007 C030 FL001 C006 C004 C003 R005 R903 R900 Q906 C902 C909 R904 U908 C908 C910 R902 R901 Q901 Q902 R912 C9...

Page 52: ... down conversion for the three frequency bands The input signal RX_VTUNE from the RX backend processor MAGIC_LV selects the VCO frequency to operate at The tune range is 5 4 5V The VCO frequencies for the three technologies are DCS 3610 35759MHz EGSM 3700 3838MHz and PCS 3859 3980MHz The AGC is provided by a common amplifier section which is shared by all four LNAs The AGC amplifier gain control i...

Page 53: ...L3560 E3552 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX L3560 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX U630 C631 C603 C602 C600 R610 TP601 T670 T660 T650 C651 C650 C660 C661 C670 C671 C606 C605 C604 C632 R612 L610 C607 C609 C608 C610 C503 C504 R503 R615 R504 C505 E530 R611 U600 LIFE A920 GSM Receiver Front End Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 5 Sig Gen...

Page 54: ...e cancellation circuit comb and decimation filters A second programmable digital LO based on a look up ROM generates digital quadrature oscillators with programmable gain phase correction called balanced complex multiplier to digitally downconvert the I Q signals to baseband digital zero IF through four quadrature mixers that provide image rejection of adjacent alternate channels Gain Phase correc...

Page 55: ...00 U600 U600 U600 U600 RX_I RX_I RX_Q RX_Q page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX FL500 E977 R537 R536 C540 C534 C542 Y500 FL510 TP504 E975 U500 MAGIC LV A920 Magic LV Receiver Back End Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 7 ...

Page 56: ...ive high for the LIFE IC MAGIC_LV will integrate a system of D As and control logic to generate the power amplifier control ramps In addition MAGIC_LV will integrate the op amps and comparators which receive the detected output of the power amplifier and create the necessary control voltage to drive the power amplifier control port based on the con trol ramps When TX_KEYM goes high the ramp contro...

Page 57: ...560 U630 E3552 E3552 C506 C546 U510 C514 C542 E3951 E3552 U7704 C603 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX E977 R537 R536 C525 C511 E976 E529 C545 C543 C544 C540 C534 C542 TP501 C546 C520 C517 C514 C521 C510 FL510 TP504 E975 C506 TP500 C523 C522 C537 C538 C524 C539 E528...

Page 58: ...which may have been attenuated in the main PLL path This will allow the use of a lower bandwidth main PLL to improve the spectral purity of the transmit signal For EGSM the synthesizer output is 880 915MHz DCS is 1710 1785MHz with GMSK mod ulation and is directly amplified to the transmitter output The prescaler for the main LO is able to accept input frequencies as high as 2 0GHz The level of thi...

Page 59: ...XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX VRF_RX_2_775V L3560 page XX VRF_HV_5V E3601 page XX R537 R536 C525 C540 C534 C542 Y500 C528 C527 C526 R554 R526 C554 C546 C520 C517 C514 C521 C510 FL510 TP504 E975 C555 R506 C556 R556 C509 C502 C507 C524 C539 E528 C516 R508 U500 MAGIC LV C535 A920 Magic LV Synthesizer Transmitter Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 ...

Page 60: ...fer stage of U570 TX_EN is activated prior to enabling the buffer and PA TX_VCO_PRSC is fed back to the MAGICLV for proper PLL operation The output frequency for GSM is TX_VCO_LB and PCS DCS is TX_VCO_HB The charge pump output CPTX from MAGIC_LV is the input VT for the VCO Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 12 TX_VCO_PRSC TX_VCO_HB TX_VCO_LB Tank Ckt CP_TX Loop Filter Decoder N_BAND_0 N_BAND_1 NB...

Page 61: ..._EN CPTX U500 GPO3 U500 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX C712 L703 C700 C711 Q700 C703 R705 C5576 R704 C702 R703 L701 C701 R576 R577 U710 L710 R700 C707 C706 C708 C713 C710 C705 C704 U700 GSM TX VCO A920 GSM TX VCO Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 13 Sig Gen 20dBm TX Legend ...

Page 62: ...GSM signal at 1 EGSM_IN PCS and DCS at pin 12 DCS_PCS_IN from the U800 U810 is a dual combination direc tional coupler and temperature compensated power detector output The power detector couples the Tx power input and feedbacks an output DET_AOC to MAGIC_LV A comparator within the MAGIC LV will sample DET_AOC and based on the power amplifier ramps will provide any necessary control voltage adjust...

Page 63: ...BATT U700 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX J5400 page XX C830 U810 FL020 L810 C810 C812 R812 R813 R816 R814 C800 C805 L832 C803 R815 R810 R822 L821 C832 C806 C801 C804 C802 R701 C808 R807 U800 GSM PA VR800 L825 A920 GSM TX Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 15 Sig Gen 20dBm TX Legend ...

Page 64: ...he RF input LNA_IN pin 10 receives the RX frequency 2110 2170MHz from FL002 The MIX_IN pin 3 input is connected to LNAOUT pin 1 through FL300 The function of FL300 is to provide image rejection and out of band interferers filtering The frequency conversion process performed by the mixer oscillator combination sometimes will allow a frequency other than desired frequency to be fed into the IF and s...

Page 65: ...e XX page XX page XX page XX R361 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R305 R304 R315 C315 C313 C305 C317 R321 C321 FL300 FL310 L315 C310 C316 R301 C303 R319 C319 C302 C304 R320 L320 L321 FL320 C324 C323 U310 L314 C307 L303 C314 L316 A920 WCDMA RX Front End Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 17 Sig Gen 20dBm RX VCO Legend ...

Page 66: ...t pin 7 REF_15 36MHz is also divided down to the same comparison frequency The two divided signals are compared with a three state digital phase detector The internal phase detector drives the charge pump as well as the lock detect logic The charge pump output at pin 26 CP_OUT is processed by the external loop filter and drives the tunable resonant network altering the VCO frequency 380MHz and clo...

Page 67: ... XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R344 R315 page XX TP340 R361 L330 C335 R339 R335 R336 R344 C344 C340 C334 U330 Max RX C361 C330 R332 CR330 CR331 R331 C331 R330 R349 C338 C349 C333 C332 R338 R337 C348 R325 C342 R342 C326 C327 R341 L325 C325 R348 L324 R347 R346 C360 R360 A920 W...

Page 68: ...X pageXX pageXX pageXX U1000 pageXX BBIF_CLK VHVIO_2_775V R3560 C121 C120 TP120 TP119 TP118 TP117 C123 C117 C119 R431 R432 E108 E109 E110 E111 C107 E100 C104 C106 C101 C102 C103 C115 C116 C113 C112 C114 T100 Q130 C118 C156 C157 R152 U101 Harmony Lite C122 A920 Harmony Lite RX Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 21 Sig Gen 20dBm TX VCO Legend RX_VREFM RX_VREFP RX_VREF RX_VCC RX_VAG RX_VB2 I...

Page 69: ...X pageXX pageXX pageXX U1000 pageXX BBIF_CLK VHVIO_2_775V R3560 C121 C120 TP120 TP119 TP118 TP117 C123 C117 C119 R431 R432 E108 E109 E110 E111 C107 E100 C104 C106 C101 C102 C103 C115 C116 C113 C112 C114 T100 Q130 C118 C156 C157 R152 U101 Harmony Lite C122 A920 Harmony Lite RX Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 21 Sig Gen 20dBm TX VCO Legend RX_VREFM RX_VREFP RX_VREF RX_VCC RX_VAG RX_VB2 I...

Page 70: ...erted before the need to receive or transmit in order to launch the necessary sequence of events to warm up the required functional blocks TX_RAMP and RX_AQUIRE are asserted when actual transmission and reception are to begin RX_SLOT and TX_SLOT are used during continuous transmission and reception to trigger events that must be aligned with slot boundaries It s important to reiterate the TX_RAMP ...

Page 71: ... XX page XX page XX page XX MAX2309_LOCK R347 page XX MAX2361_LOCK R203 RF_RESET U1000 WB_RX_ON WB_RX_SLOT WB_RX_ACQ WB_TX_PREKEY WB_TX_SLOT U1000 U1000 U1000 U1000 U1000 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX HARMONY_CS U1000 page XX WB_TX_RAMP AOC_PWR_UP_DOWN U1000 U1000 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX C121 C120 TP120 TP119 TP118 TP117 E108 E109 E...

Page 72: ... phase locked loops use a fractional loop divider to permit fast lock times and low phase noise on their output signals The VCO output frequency is fed into a prescalar and devided down into a desired comparison frequency The 15 36MHz reference frequency is also divided down into a compari son frequency The two divided frequencies are then compared with a phase detector The phase detector will the...

Page 73: ...CLK_EN U1000 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX C117 C119 R431 R432 C104 C106 C101 C102 C103 C115 C116 C113 C112 C114 T100 Q130 C118 C156 C157 R152 U101 Harmony Lite C132 C130 R131 C131 Y130 R132 R130 C133 R134 U130 C134 A920 Harmony Lite Synthesizer Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 25 Sig Gen 20dBm Ref Freq VCO Legend AFCDAC REF_OSC_IN TXCO_EN_OUT ...

Page 74: ... DC offsets and I Q gain imbalances i e DCOC and I Q Phase and Gain equalizer The outputs of the I Q gain equalization unit is fed into 10 bit I and Q DAC s The programmable gain anti aliasing filters or TX smoothing filters accepts differential I Q signals of DC to 1 92MHz frequency components from the D A Converters to attenuate the unwanted clock signals of 15 36MHz and to smooth the signals fo...

Page 75: ... HL_TX_EN FL001 page XX C121 C120 TP120 TP119 TP118 TP117 C123 C117 C119 R431 R432 E108 E109 E110 E111 C107 E100 C104 C106 C101 C102 C103 C115 C116 C113 C112 C114 T100 Q130 C118 C156 C157 R152 U101 Harmony Lite C122 A920 Harmony Lite Transmitter Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 27 Sig Gen 20dBm TX VCO Legend TX_VREFM TX_VREF TX_VREFP TX_VCC TX_VAG AOC_VCC ...

Page 76: ...X_SF_OUT U101 RX_SF_OUT U101 RX_CP U101 RX_PRE T100 R150 C150 L153 L150 R151 C148 R146 R141 C141 R140 C146 U140 C140 C142 R147 C145 C151 FL150 U150 A920 WCDMA VCO Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 29 Sig Gen 20dBm VCO Legend ...

Page 77: ...tput frequency TankH TankH at pin 33and pin 32 are divided down internally to a desired comparison frequency The reference signal at pin 36 REF_FREQ is also divided down to the same comparison frequency The two divided signals are then compared with a three state digi tal phase detector The internal phase detector drives the charge pump as well as the lock detect logic 2361_LOCK The charge pump ou...

Page 78: XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R252 R250 R213 R232 C221 C222 C223 R295 C295 R296 C296 C290 R290 C270 R270 C260 C261 R294 C294 C293 R293 C280 L223 L281 C282 L280 C215 R215 C216 CR201 CR200 U200 MAX TX R201 R231 R240 C241 L240 L241 FL201 C245 R291 R292 C200 R...

Page 79: ...e transmitter is in low power mode consuming less current with overall poor PA performance In theory as the Tx power level increases or decreases beyond a certain power threshold VLD is enabled or disabled As Tx power decreases as requested from a base station down to 14 5dBm VLD will switch high If Tx power is requested to increase beyond 19dBm VLD is switched low The power detector receives the ...

Page 80: ...503 J5400 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX U3000 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX FL410 C413 U410 U420 WCDMA PA R410 R411 R412 R453 R455 C425 C441 C442 C443 C410 C444 R420 C414 C422 C421 C420 C445 Q420 R452 C452 C448 C453 R450 R451 R457 R456 R454 U450 C451 U440 C449 A920 WCDMA Transmitter Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 33 Sig Gen 20dBm TX Legend ...

Page 81: ...ger is enabled The charger will be turned off before battery feedback is disabled A thermistor in the battery package is used to determine cell temperature of the battery pack before charging begins The battery EPROM BATT_IO will contain limit parameters that determine the minimum and maximum temperatures at which charging can occur PCAP has an integrated over voltage detection circuit that provid...

Page 82: ... I O Baseband Processor Flash Core V2 VA_2_775V Audio V3 VLVIO_1_95V Magic LV I O WCSP V4 VRF_REF_1_875V RF reference V5 VGPS_RF_2_775V GPS RF V6 VHVIO_2_775V HV I O Display 20 Imager 12 GPS Baseband 8 GPS Flash Application Processor SDRAM core 200 V7 VRF_DIG_1_875V RF digital V8 VBLUETH_1_875V Bluetooth V9 VRF_REF_2_475V RF Reference V10 VRF_HV_5V RF HV Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 34 VSIM...

Page 83: ... will detect this action and make an appropriate response to this action which could be to answer a call end a call or dial the last number from scratchpad The Headset Speaker is driven by PCAP s internal Left and Right amplifier Following the speaker path from the PCAP pins ARight_Out and ALeft_Out they are routed through C4356 R4352 and C4306 R4302 respectively and then connected to the headset ...

Page 84: ...R4103 C4160 C4112 C4306 C4113 C4401 R4401 Q6051 R3951 R7654 C3950 C5410 Y3982 C3983 C3984 C4395 C4394 C3851 R3851 C3650 C3850 C3555 R3055 R5053 C4355 C4008 C4390 C4002 R4200 C4202 R4201 C4200 C4402 R4395 R4397 R5050 R4393 R4400 C4400 C4000 R4398 C4198 C4207 C4503 C4501 C4500 C4110 C4114 R4396 VS4200 VS4201 C4100 U3000 PCAP C4203 R5052 J4200 C4304 A920 RX Audio Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 3...

Page 85: ...he headset jack will open or close the HS_MAKE_DET path to ground depending on whether the headset is attached or not The External Microphone input AUDIO_IN is connected to the accessory connector for the mobile phone The path is routed through L4400 C4401 and R4401 to the EXT_MIC pin on PCAP This signal feeds directly to the input multiplexer without an intervening gain stage In addition to audio...

Page 86: ... C4160 C4112 C4306 C4113 C4401 R4401 Q6051 R3951 R7654 C3950 Y3982 C3983 C3984 C4395 C4394 C4355 C4008 C4390 C4002 R4200 C4202 R4201 C4200 C4402 R4395 R4397 R5050 R4393 R4400 C4400 C4000 R4398 C4198 C4207 C4503 C4501 C4500 C4110 C4114 R4396 VS4200 VS4201 C4100 U3000 PCAP C4203 R5052 C5050 R5483 R5481 R5482 C4550 C5407 R5480 C4210 C4551 R4550 C3150 E3153 C4304 A920 Transmit Audio Motorola Confident...

Page 87: ... by the Baseband Processor IC through a four wire SPI interface The Baseband Processor has read write access to the PCAP IC Audio data is transmitted received via the Baseband Processor through a four wire SSI interface Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 40 Baseband Circuits RF Interface Logic Interface Regulator Interface Backlight Status LEDs Linear Regulators Control Logic Switching Regulator ...

Page 88: ...n addition to POG s internal memory system the architecture provides 128Mbits 16M byte of external flash memory via two Intel Danali 64M bit parts The memory bus is 23 address bits and 32 data bits The flash memory runs at 42 45MHz Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 42 MCU M341 DSP Starcore MDI IPCM RISC VSAP EL1T1 EL1T2 MQSPI1 MQSPI2 Serial BBIF ASAP UART1 UART3 UART2 SIM MMC IrDA USB LCD GQSPI ...

Page 89: XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX AP_DEEP_SLEEP BP_READY RB_RI1 RB_DTR1 RB_DSR1 WIRE_SD0_EN DCD1B_MUTE BATT_FB_SWITCH HKSW_SEL DATALOG U2000 page XX U2000 page XX page XX U5005 page XX U5003 page XX U5004 page XX R2014 page XX U5001 page XX Q5000 page XX U5002 page XX U5004 page XX TP121 C1012 C1003 C1018 R1000 C1013 C1004...


Page 91: ...U1000 U1000 U1000 U1000 U1000 U1000 R1304 R1303 TP1300 R1304 R1304 E3352 U1310 U1300 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX C1401 R1402 C1400 R1400 C1402 C1403 C1307 R1303 C1302 C1303 C1300 C1306 R1300 CR1300 C1305 C1301 C1...

Page 92: ... provides fast frequency hopping 1600 hops second across the 79 maximum available channels The uPU runs software from the Link Control LC layer up to the Host Controller Interface HCI The microprocessor is an enhanced performance 8051 micro controller The BBC manages the buffering segmentation and routing of data for all connections It also buffers data that passes through it handles data flow con...

Page 93: ... XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R5603 R5675 R5613 C5604 R5519 C5508 R5605 C5611 C5612 R5604 C5600 C5623 R5606 L5600 C2618 L5501 C5650 C5620 Q5600 C5622 U5623 C5621 R5623 C5670 R5671 C5671 C5624 C5818 C2614 R5607 C5613 R5608 C5615 C5617 U5600 Bluetooth L5604 C5651 L5602 C5607 FL5601 A920 Bluetooth Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 51 Sig Gen 20dBm TX RX Ref Freq Legend ...

Page 94: ...thin U6000 correlates the incoming MAG and SIGN data Wide parallel search architecture enables simultaneous search of 1 920 time frequency bins which enables a powerful combination of very fast reacquisition along with the capability to find and track very weak signals The UART residing in U6000 is used to interface data information between the GSP2e LP U6000 and POG An integrated GPIO unit provid...

Page 95: XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX Y6050 C6069 R6063 C6070 C6058 C6057 C6053 C6065 L6051 C6055 C6063 C6080 FL6050 C6062 C6064 C6066 C6060 C6059 E6062 C6061 R6060 L6080 C6083 C6082 Q6050 L6053 C6052 C6067 C6051 L6050 R6061 C6050 C6084 FL6055 U6051 M6050 U6050 SiRF GRF2e A920 GPS RF Circuit Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 53 Si...

Page 96: ...000 R6004 R6004 U1000 E3402 U6010 GPS_WAKEUP U1000 GPS_TX GPS_RX U1000 U1000 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R6002 R6008 TP6008 R6006 TP6005 C6009 C6000 C6003 E6009 C6004 R6000 C6001 R6001 R6004 TP6001 E6006 ...

Page 97: ...cate the rotated position of the imager A magnet integrated in the Conexant imager will activate the Hall effect switch and cause a state change for CAM_ROT_DETECT The Helen will respond with a horizontal inversion of the image The image that Helen receives goes through a DSP pre processing stage where the YUV 4 2 2 is converted to YUV 4 2 0 To display the image on the unit s display the YUV 4 2 0...

Page 98: ...0 U2000 U2000 U2000 U3910 U3910 U2000 U2000 U2000 U3910 U3910 U3910 U2000 U2000 E3402 J7600 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX U7603 C7631 U7605 R7630 R7631 R7635 U7602 C7630 C7634 R7637 R7645 C7633 R7612 R7611 R7610 R7638 U7600 Pixel Processor A920 V...

Page 99: ...Power Device 1 wire Communication for Battery EPROM USB client Helen USB is used as a client signals are routed through PCAP s USB transceiver UART1 RS232 interface to CE bus McBSP1 Multichannel Buffered Serial Port VSAP for the PCAP stereo audio interface McBSP2 Multichannel Buffered Serial Port ASAP for the PCAP and Bluetooth audio interface Helen 1 Wire Bus RAM 1 5Mb API MMU Bridge McBSP2 SAP H...

Page 100: ...0 U3980 R2401 R2304 R2304 U3000 CAM_SHUTDOWN page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R2055 C2020 C2012 U2071 C2010 C2099 R2097 R2006 R2026 R2028 U3911 U...


Page 102: ... page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX AP_F_ADD 23 0 U2000 AP_FDATA 15 0 U2000 page XX page XX AP_F_ADD 23 0 U2000 AP_FDATA 15 0 U2000...

Page 103: ...U2000 U2000 U2000 AP_SD_DATA 15 0 AP_SDADD 12 0 E3402 U3000 U3000 U3000 U3000 R2401 page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX page XX R2401 R2304 R2430 R2402 C3990 R2430 TP4504 R2404 C2099 R2402 Q3981 C2401 R2403 C2402 C2400 R2098 U2400 SDRAM A920 Helen SDRAM Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 65 ...

Page 104: ...csDepartment Toorderpartspleaseusethefollowinglink Password is Required ForinformationonorderingpartspleasecontactEMEA at 49 461 803 1638 When ordering replacement parts or equipment infor mation the complete identification number should be included Thisappliestoallcomponents kits andchas sis If the component part number is not known the order shouldincludethenumberofthechassisorkitofwhich itisapa...

Page 105: ...01 2113947H01 2113928P04 2113928P04 2113928P04 2113743L17 2113928N01 2113743M24 2113928C04 2113743M24 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113928N01 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743E07 2113743L25 CONTACT CONTACT CAP 1pF RES 0 CAP 27pF CAP 27pF CAP 47pF CAP 100pF CAP 100pF CAP 100pF CAP 27pF CAP 1pF CAP 3 9pF CAP 1 0uF CAP 1 0uF CAP 1 0uF CAP 1000pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CA...

Page 106: ...7 2113743L17 2113743L05 2113743L05 2113947B01 2113947B01 2113743N28 2113743N16 2113743N50 2113743N50 2113743N09 2113743L17 2113947C01 2113743L17 2113743L17 2113743L17 2113743L17 2113743L17 2113743L41 2113743N50 2113743L41 2113743N02 2113743N26 2113743N01 2113743N50 CAP 68pF CAP 0 5pF CAP 4 7uF CAP 6 8pF CAP 12pF CAP 12pF CAP 3 9pF CAP 3 9pF CAP 33pF CAP 100pF CAP 1000pF CAP 1pF CAP 100pF CAP 022uF...

Page 107: ...743N28 2113947C01 2113743N50 2113743L05 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743L41 2113743L01 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N30 2113743L41 2113928C04 2113743N28 2113743L41 2113743N50 2113743N26 2113743L41 2113743N28 2113947B05 2113743L17 2113743N26 2113743L37 CAP 100pF CAP 10pF IDCTR 5 6nH CAP 1 5pF CAP 01uF CAP 10pF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 22pF CAP 22pF CAP 1000pF CAP 1000pF CAP 7 5pF CAP ...

Page 108: ...2113928N01 2113743L41 2113928C04 2113928A01 2113743L41 2113947E01 2113947E01 2113928P04 2113928P04 2113928P04 2113947E01 2113743L01 2113743L01 2113743L05 2113743M24 2113743L05 2113743N34 2113928A01 2113743N12 2113743L05 2113743L05 2113743N54 2113743L05 2113743L05 CAP 220pF CAP 680pF CAP 6800pF CAP 01uF CAP 100pF CAP 100pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 1 0uF CAP 01uF CAP 1 0uF CAP 1000pF CAP 4 7uF CAP 4 7uF CAP 4 ...

Page 109: ... 2113928C04 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743N26 2113743E20 2113928N01 2113743E20 2113743L01 2113743N38 2113743P01 0662057M01 2113743N28 2113743N36 2113743N28 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743L41 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 CAP 150pF CAP 27pF CAP 1 0uF CAP 01uF CAP 33pF CAP 33pF CAP 12pF CAP 12pF CAP 12pF CAP 12pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 270pF CAP 1000pF CAP 3300pF C...

Page 110: ...43M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743L41 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF...

Page 111: ...1 2113928N01 2113743M24 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113743N34 2113743N34 2113928N01 2113743M24 2113928C12 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113743N38 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928C12 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 15pF CAP 15pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0...

Page 112: ...2113743N38 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113743L17 2113743N35 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113928C04 2113928C04 2113928C12 2113743N50 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113743M24 2113928C04 2113743L17 2113928C12 2113928C12 2113743M24 2113928C04 2113743N35 2113928C12 CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 10uF CAP 10uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 75pF CAP ...

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Page 114: ...13743N38 2113743N38 2113947E01 2311049A89 2113947B05 2311049A89 2113928C04 2113743M24 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743M24 2113928A01 2113743M24 2113743N26 2113743L41 2113743N50 2113743N50 2113743M24 2113743N38 2113928C04 2113743M24 2113928C04 2113743L25 2113743L41 2113743M24 2113743N38 CAP 680pF CAP 33pF CAP 33pF CAP 1 0uF CAP 33pF CAP 4 7uF CAP 10pF CAP 33pF CAP 33pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF C...

Page 115: ...47B05 2113947B05 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113947B05 2113947B05 2113947B05 2113947B05 2113947B05 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113947B05 2113743L25 2113743L25 2113743N34 2113928C12 2113743N22 2113743M24 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743L41 2113928C12 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928P04 2113743N38 CAP 33pF CAP 01uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 1 0uF CAP 12pF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01uF CAP 01u...

Page 116: ...3743M24 2113743L41 2113743N26 2113743N26 2113743N26 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113928N01 2113743N26 2113743N03 2113743N01 2113928N01 2113743L17 2113743N38 2113743F18 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113743M24 2113947H01 2113743N38 2113743M24 2113743N38 2113743M24 2113743L41 2113928C12 2113743L01 2113928N01 CAP 33pF CAP 33pF CAP 33pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 33pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 2pF CAP 1800pF C...

Page 117: ...13743N05 2113743L17 2113743N26 2113743N32 2187893N01 2187893N01 2113743N52 2113743N09 2113743N03 2113928P04 2113928C12 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113743N03 2113743N38 2113743N38 2113947B05 2113743N38 2113946D02 2113946D02 2113946D02 2113928N01 2113743N30 2113743L09 CAP 1 0uF CAP 18pF CAP 470pF CAP 120pF CAP 2pF CAP 2 7pF CAP 470pF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 1pF CAP 47pF C...

Page 118: ...4809877C32 4809877C32 4809877C32 4809877C32 4809924D18 4809924D18 4809653F02 4809924D18 4809653F02 4809653F02 4809948D42 4809788E17 4809788E17 4809118D02 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 0 1uF CAP 1000pF CAP...

Page 119: ...HORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_BAR0_61 SHORT_BAR0_61 SHORT_BAR0_61 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 4889695L12 9109674L20 9109674L22 9109674L18 5885949K03 9109405J17 9109239M28 fl 9109674L14 9109405J16 9109239M16 fl 5888234M01 9188695K04 bg 4887925N01 4889526L04 bg 9109239M23 9109239M26 9185223E01 0788468M03 0988365M02 c 5085600J01 2888328M01 SHORT SHORT SHOR...

Page 120: ...9 2409154M09 2409377M16 2409377M16 2409154M07 2409154M56 2409154M73 2113743N02 2113743N26 2409646M86 2409646M86 2485793G15 2485793G15 2409377M08 2409154M11 2409154M70 2409154M47 2113743N12 2409154M65 2409154M09 2409154M61 2409154M52 2409154M09 2588866L14 CONN_J CONN_J CONN_J CONTACT BM050406 CONN_J CONN_J IDCTR 82nH IDCTR 12 0nH IDCTR 4 7nH IDCTR 1 8nH IDCTR 2 7nH SHORT RES 0 IDCTR 10nH IDCTR 10nH...

Page 121: ...4M65 0987378K01 5909382K09 0987378K01 4809579E24 4809608E03 4862830F01 bga 4809579E16 4809579E58 4809579E48 4809939C34 4809579E43 4809579E02 4809607E04 4809607E04 4809607E04 4862830F01 bga 4862830F01 bga 4862830F01 bga 4862830F01 bga 4809939C39 4809579E49 4862830F01 bga 4809940E03 4809579E58 5109572E39 IDCTR 47uH IDCTR 47uH IDCTR 2 2uH EXCML16 IDCTR 39nH IDCTR 47 0nH IDCTR 47 0nH IDCTR 3 9nH IDCTR...

Page 122: ...057M98 0662057M01 0662057M74 0662057N09 0662057N09 0662057M01 0662057N39 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057N23 0662057N23 0662057M01 0662057M74 0662057M98 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M98 0662057M01 0662057M70 0662057M94 0662057M36 0609591M17 0662057M01 0662057M50 SHORT_RES0402 0662057N15 0662057M98 SHORT_RES0402 0662057M43 0662057B27 0609591M37 SI1905 2SJ347 RES 0 RES 0 RES 0 RES...

Page 123: ...HORT_RES0402 0662057M85 0662057M50 0662057M26 0662057M26 0662057M26 2113743N22 0662057M26 0662057M70 0662057M01 0662057M98 0609591M37 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M01 0662057M74 0662057N15 SHORT_RES0402 0662057M26 0662057M26 SHORT_RES0402 SHORT_RES0402 0662057M90 0662057M70 0662057M70 0662057M01 RES 10K RES 47K SHORT SHORT RES 10 RESNET 10 RESNET 10 RES ...

Page 124: ...7N21 SHORT_RES0402 0662057M98 0662057N19 0662057N30 0662057N15 0662057M96 SHORT_RES0402 0662057N30 0662057M58 0662057M01 0662057M28 0662057M38 0662057M64 0662057M76 0662057M56 0662057M39 0662057U95 0662057V02 0662057V02 0662057M43 0662057U98 0662057U60 0662057M01 0662057M98 0662057M98 0662057M98 0662057N15 0662057M01 0662057N15 SHORT SHORT RES 7 5K RES 4 7K RES 10K RES 75K SHORT SHORT RES 4 7K RES...

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