Section 3 - Safety
3.1 Introduction
Please be aware that the safety information provided by
does not absolve the integrator and employer from understanding and
following international and local standards for safety of machinery. It is the
responsibility of the end integrator to integrate the final system, provide
necessary e-stop connections, safety interlocks and guarding, to choose the
appropriate electrical cable for the region of use and to ensure compliance
with all relevant standards.
It is the responsibility of the employer to:
• Properly train and instruct its personnel in the safe operation of
equipment, including the use of all the safety devices.
• Provide its personnel with all necessary protective clothing, including such
items as a face shield and heat resistant gloves.
• Ensure the original and continuing competence of personnel caring for,
setting up, inspecting and maintaining injection molding equipment.
• Establish and follow a program of periodic and regular inspections of
injection molding equipment to ensure it is in safe operating condition and
proper adjustment.
Ensure that no modifications, repairs or rebuild of portions are made
to the equipment that reduces the level of safety existing at time of
manufacture or remanufacture.
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M1 Plus Controller User Manual