Show or suppress the 3D elevation of the surrounding terrain.
Turn on or off track log saving, that is, saving the sequence of the locations your journeys go through.
Select which Places to show on the map while navigating. Too many Places make the map crowded so it is a good idea too
keep as few of them on the map as possible. For this, you have the possibility to save different Place visibility sets. You have the
following possibilities:
• Tap the checkbox to show or hide the Place category.
• Tap the name of the Place category to open the list of its subcategories.
• Tap
to save the current Place visibility set or to load a previously saved one. Here you can also revert to
the default visibility settings.
Visual guidance settings
Adjust how the software helps you navigate with different kinds of route related information on the Map screen.
The data fields in the corner of the Map screen can be customized. Tap this button and select the values you want to see. The
values can be different when you navigate a route from when you are just cruising without a given destination. The 3 data fields
on the left are displayed in the Map screen. For each field, you can select general trip data like your current speed or route data
related to your final destination from the list on the right.
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