Detailed explanation of command words
Cnt (Continuous)
Designates continuous movement control for interpolation. Shortening of the operating time can be per-
formed by carrying out continuous movement.
Designate the continuous operation or acceleration/deceleration operation mode.
1 : Continuous movement.
0 : Acceleration/deceleration movement.(default value.)
<Numeric value 1> Specify the maximum proximity distance in mm for starting the next interpolation when
changing to a new path segment.
The default value is the position where the acceleration/deceleration is started.
<Numeric value 2> Specify the maximum proximity distance in mm for ending the previous interpolation when
changing to a new path segment.
The default value is the position where the acceleration/deceleration is started.
[Reference Program]
When the maximum neighborhood distance is specified when changing a locus.
1 Cnt 0
' Invalidate Cnt (Continuous movement).
2 Mvs P1
' Operate with acceleration/deceleration
3 Cnt 1
' Validate Cnt (Continuous movement).
(Operate with continuous movement after this step.)
4 Mvs P2
' The connection with the next interpolation is continuous movement.
5 Cnt 1,100,200
' Continuous operation specification at 100 mm on the starting side and at 200
mm on the end side.
6 Mvs P3
' Continuous operation at a specified distance before and after an interpolation.
7 Cnt 1,300
' Continuous operation specification at 300 mm on the starting side and at 300
mm on the end side.
8 Mov P4
' Continuous operation specification at 300 mm on the starting side.
9 Cnt 0
' Invalidate Cnt (Continuous movement).
10 Mov P5
' Operate with acceleration/deceleration
Fig.4-6:Example of continuous path operation
Cnt[] <Continuous movement mode/acceleration/deceleration movement mode>]
[, <Numeric value 1>] [, <Numeric value 2>]
Start position of m ovem ent
Although the neighborhood
distance (300 m m ) when
m oving to P4 has been set,
continuous operation when
m oving to P5 has been
canceled. Therefore, it m oves to
P4 first, and then m oves to P5.
It m oves to P1 first and then to
P2 since continuous operation
is not set up.
Continuous operation is perform ed at
a distance shorter than the sm aller of
the neighborhood distance (the initial
setting value in the robot controller)
when m oving to P2 and the fulcrum
neighborhood point (100 m m ) when
m oving to P3.
Continuous operation is perform ed at a distance
shorter than the sm aller of the neighborhood distance
(200 m m ) when m oving to P3 and the fulcrum
neighborhood point (300 m m ) when m oving to P4.