Detailed explanation of command words
Mva (Move Arch)
This instruction moves the robot from the current position to the target position with an arch movement (arch
<Target Position>
Final position of interpolation movement. This position may be specified using a
position type variable and constant, or a joint variable.
<Arch number>
A number defined by the Def Arch instruction (1 to 4).
If the argument is omitted, 1 is set as the default value.
[Reference Program]
1 Def Arch 1,5,5,20,20
' Defines the arch shape configuration.
2 Ovrd 100,20,20
' Specifies override.
3 Accel 100,100,50,50,50,50
' Specifies acceleration/deceleration rate.
2 Mva P1,1
' Performs the arch motion movement according to the shape configura-
tion defined in step 1.
3 Mva P2,2
' Moves the robot according to the default values registered in the
Mva[]<Target Position> [, <Arch number>]