7 - 38
(1) For the axis which executes the home position return by the limit switch combined
type, if the external input signal has not set in the system settings, a minor error
"the positioning control which use the external input signal was executed for the
axis which has not set the external input signal in the system settings" (error code:
142) will occur and home position return is not executed.
(2) When the limit switch reverse to home position return direction is turned ON to
OFF, deceleration stop is made, home position return is not completed and a
major error "external limit switch detection error" (error code: 1101, 1102) will
(3) Home position return retry function cannot be used in the limit switch combined
(4) If the home position return is executed with the limit switch OFF, it is started to
reverse direction of home position return with creep speed.
(5) When it does not pass (zero pass signal: M2406+20n ON) the zero point from
home position return start to deceleration stop by limit switch OFF, a minor error
"ZCT not set" (error code:120) will occur, a deceleration stop is made and home
position return does not complete normally. However, when "1 : Not need to pass
motor Z phase after the power supply is switched on" is selected in the "function
selection C-4" of servo parameter (expansion setting parameter), if the zero point
is not passed until from home position return start to deceleration stop by limit
switch OFF, the home position can be executed.
(6) Deceleration stop is executed after the limit switch OFF. Set the limit switch in
expectation of deceleration distance.
(7) If the in-position signal (M2402+20n) is turned ON, home position return is not
(8) When the width is in a zero point, the home position differs from the home position
return by the proximity dog type 1, proximity dog type 2, count type 1, count type 3
and dog cradle type.