7 - 14
(6) Indirect setting of home position return data
A part of home position return data can be executed the indirect setting by the
word devices (D, W, #) of Motion CPU.
(a) Data devices for indirect setting
There are data registers (D), link registers (W) and Motion registers (#) as
data devices for indirect setting. (Word devices except data registers, link
registers and Motion registers cannot be used.) Usable devices are shown
below. (Set the number of words for 2 words as even number.)
Word devices
Usable devices
1690 to 8191
0 to 1FFF
0 to 7999
(b) Read home position return data
In the indirect setting by the word devices, the specified word device data
are read at Motion program execution by Motion CPU.
Set data to devices for indirect setting and then execute the start request of
Motion program at home position return.
(c) Read a home position address/second home position address
1) G28
When the home position return request signal (M2409+20n) is ON, it is
executed in the home position return method specified with the home
position return data. The home position return data read in the starting
are current value. And simultaneously, the home position return data are
saved to memory backed up electrically.
When the home position return request signal (M2409+20n) is OFF, the
high-speed home position return is executed the backed up home
position return data as a home position. The home position address
specified with the home position return data is not newly read.
The home position data backed up in the first home position return are used.
Therefore, even if the home position return data at first home position return and at
high-speed home position return is different, certainly the high-speed home position
return is executed to the home position with the peculiar machine set at first. There
is a case in which the home position return data differs with the first home position
return by changing the programming software or contents of register for indirect
setting, etc.
It is executed in the home position return method specified with the home
position return data. The home position return data read in the starting
are current value. And simultaneously, the home position return data are
saved to memory backed up electrically.