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6.13.22 G49 Tool length offset cancel
Code G49
Tool length offset cancel
The preset tool length offset value (G43, G44) is cancel.
49 X x ;
Positioning address
Axis name
(1) This command cancels the preset tool length offset value (G43, G44) and
performs the specified positioning.
(2) Be sure to set the positioning address for tool length offset cancel.
[Related Parameters]
Power-on mode : At power-on, the tool length offset cancel mode is established.
[Program Example]
The program designed to cancel the offset value and perform the specified positioning
after positioning has been executed by tool length offset. (For absolute value
command) (Data of the tool length offset data setting registers are as follows :
H1 = 5[mm] (D1650, 1651 = 50000), H2 = 10[mm] (D1652, 1653 = 100000))
G90 ; (Absolute value command)
G00 G43 X50. H1 ; (With the addition of the offset value of 5[mm], X-axis is
positioned to its 55[mm] position)
G01 X25. F500. ; (X-axis travels to its 30[mm] position at 500[mm/min].)
Y100. ; (Y-axis travels to its 100[mm] position at 500[mm/min].)
G43 X200. H2 ; (With the addition of the offset value of 10[mm], X-axis
travels to its 210[mm] position (offset value change))
G49 X100. ; (With the offset value canceled, X-axis travels to its
100[mm] position at 500[mm/min].)