Instruction Manual
2. Product information
Intended use
The device is intended for the customary use in orthodontic practices.
Any use beyond this is considered unintended. Intended use also in-
cludes adherence to the operating instructions.
Unintended use
The device, its components and instruments are intended for orth-
odontic treatment. Another use beyond that is considered unintended.
Mikrona Technologie AG assumes no liability for damages caused by
unintended use. The operator himself bears the risk.
Safety advice
If there are any indications that a risk for the user / operator could arise
from abrasion of components or from a technical error, the device is
to be inspected immediately by an authorized customer service or
Mikrona’s customer service and/or the fault is to be cleared.
The maximal chair load is designed for a maximal patient weight of
135 kg.
Bed load: maximal 135 kg
Backrest load: maximal 45 kg
Headrest load: maximal 10 kg
The loading capacity of the suspended table depends on the
prestressed spring package and the instrument tray. The maximal
loading capacity of the suspended table is 2,7 kg and must not be
Due to stagnation, water and/or air bearing lines of the treatment unit
should be flushed or blown through before initial use or after downti-
me (idle periods, weekends, holidays, vacations etc.). Remove each
hand piece / motor (without instrument attached) from the holder and
use it alternately with water and air.
Remove rotating instruments from turbines, hand and angle pieces,
and tips after finishing the treatment.
Never deposit scaling instruments without protective cap: danger of
injury and infection.
Always turn off the main control switch before leaving the practice.
2.4 Disposal
Adhering to national regulations, accruing waste can be recycled or
disposed without risk to health and environment. In order to prevent
environmental or personal damage you are requested to contact Mi-
krona when definitively disposing the device after decommission.
Mikrona Technologie AG
+41 (0)56 418 45 45
Wiesenstrasse 36
+41 (0)56 418 45 00
CH-8952 Schlieren
E-Mail [email protected]