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optoCONTROL 1202
External Triggering, IN0
When a HIGH-pulse at digital input INO is applied the external triggering at the hardware is activated.
The trigger mode is only possible in the both trigger modes „EXT. IN0 L/H“ and „EXT. IN0 HIGH“, see
the software description.
Depending on the adjusted analog output mode the analog outputs and digital outputs are updated only, if
the trigger requirement is performed.
The receiver electronics resets the MAX/MIN value on INO with the new LOW/HIGH edge. During the HIGH-
pulse at IN0 (window) the MAX-MIN search to the drag indicator principle is active. The respectively actual
MAX/MIN value is inside this window output at pin 8/red. If the HIGH-pulse is reset on IN0, the during the
window detected MAX/MIN value persists on the analog output. First the next LOW/HIGH edge of the thereon
following window resets the analog value.
Analog- output
input INO
0 V
Reset of old
min/max. value
New min/max.
search active
New max. value
Within the MAX/MIN search the analog output can
be reset
- by pressing the RESET key
or a pulse at input IN1 (t < 750 ms).
Fig. 13 Function of external triggering
The example in Fig. 13 requires a TRIG-MODE „EXT. INO HIGH“ (Trigger Mode) and a ANA-OUT „MAXIMA“
(Analog Output Mode).
The trigger mode EXT IN0 L/H provides the actual measuring value with the rising edge at analog output.