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Operating modes
PROFIBUS-Manual Servo positioning controller DIS-2 48/10 FB
Version 2.0
Operating Mode
Data type
Value range
0x08: Speed control
0x10: Positioning
Default value
Speed control mode
PROFIdrive defines special features for handling the setpoint. For this purpose, the meanings of the
corresponding bits in control word 1 have been defined. The setpoint can be deactivated, for example,
or the setpoin
t ramp can be stopped (“frozen”).
Positioning mode
PROFIdrive defines special features concerning the behaviour in the positioning mode. For this
purpose, the meanings of the corresponding bits in control word 1 have been defined. Homing
controlled by the slave, for example, is started by a certain bit. Some features are now described in
All global options for homing are also valid when homing is started through the PROFIdrive control
word 1. An optional following positioning to zero position is performed.
Due to a manufacturer-specific implementation, positioning is started only on a rising edge of the
associated bit in control word 1.
Positioning is started even if no successful homing has been performed beforehand.
Other manufacturer-specific bits are defined in control word 1 in order to be able to perform optional
relative or absolute positioning tasks.
Distinction between absolute and relative positioning
Definition as to whether at the start of a positioning run a running position has to be interrupted or
whether the positioning run to the started has to be added to the running positioning.