MI 2087 Instaltest 61557
Measurement instructions
Fig. 31.
Fifth test is running (left figure) and
message, displayed after tripping out
RCD (right figure)
After reswitching RCD, sixth test will follow automatically.
Trip-out time measurement, using test current Itest = 5I
n, at negative start polarity of
test current (180°). The display message, presented on left side of the next figure, will
appear for a while. Successfully ended sixth test (RCD trips within allowed time
period) will be followed by result of the sixth test; see the figure below (right side).
Fig. 32.
Sixth test is running (left figure) and result of the sixth test (right figure)
Check partial results (Trip-out Times) separately for each step from 1
up to 6
as well as Contact Voltage at set Nominal differential current (Standard RCD
type) or at double Nominal differential current (Selective RCD type) by using the
Store displayed result for documentation purpose; see instructions how to store
it in chapter 4.1. Storing of test results.
If trip-out time in any step is out of allowed range (see the table 1.), automatic test will
be stopped and appropriate message will be displayed
(>xxx ms / <xxx ms
), where
xxx means limit value according to the table 1.
If RCD trips during Contact voltage measurement (some leakage current is already
flowing to PE conductor or tested RCD is too sensitive),
message will be
displayed blinking way.