MI 2087 Instaltest 61557
Measurement instructions
3.11. Voltage Logging
Mains voltage unstability may be important reason for different malfunctions noticed at
sensitive electrical equipment, machinery, appliances etc. The unstability may appear
periodically during a certain period of time (starting-up or switching off powerful
machinery, transformers, distribution systems etc.).
In order to record and later analyse the voltage variations, the Instaltest 61557 can
perform the long-term Logging measurements. The instrument is intended for
recording of slow voltage variations; see the figure below.
Fig. 38.
Slow voltage variations measurable by the Logging function
Measurement parameters like sampling period and total number of measurements are
How to carry out the measurement?
Step 1
Connect test cable
(Plug commander or Universal test cable) to Instaltest 61557.
Set function switch to
position, “Logging initial menu” will be
displayed; see the figure below.
Fig. 39.
Logging initial menu
t......... Last set Sampling periode