Revised 08.2021
Operator’s Manual: 405 SLD Seed Express
Bulk Seed Tender
4.3.12 Axle, Trailer, Frame Bolts:
Check the axle, frame, trailer and tender hold-
down bolt torque at least once per year.
4.3.13 Trailer Hitch Bolts:
The front hitch section of the seed tender is
bolted to the trailer frame. This design allows
the same trailer to use either a bumper hitch
assembly or a gooseneck hitch. These hitch
assemblies are interchangeable, if needed.
Check the trailer hitch bolt torque at least once
per year.
4.3.14 Wheel Bolt Torque Requirements:
To prevent injury due to possible dangerous
separation of wheels from the axle, the wheel
nuts must be maintained at the proper torque
levels. Properly tightened wheel nuts prevent
loose wheels and broken studs.
Initially check the wheel bolt torque at 10, 25, and
50 miles, as well as after each wheel removal.
Torque wrenches are the best method
to ensure the proper amount of torque
is being applied to a wheel nut.
1. Tighten the wheel nuts in three stages:
- First stage: 20 to 25 foot pounds.
- Second stage: 50 to 60 foot pounds.
- Third stage: 90 to 120 foot pounds.
2. Tighten the wheel nuts in a clockwise,
cross-axle alternating pattern.
Also, check conveyor tube and bearing bolts.
4.3.15 Tires:
Check the tires for normal and/or abnormal tire
wear. Replace tires that are damaged or worn
beyond normal tread life.
Replace the tires with Meridian
part number
18131 or an equivalent tire:
Load Range E
For Trailer Service Only
4.3.16 Wheel Bearings:
Each axle is equipped with a grease zerk under
the center dust cap of the wheel. Add grease
sparingly to the wheel bearings, using only wheel
bearing grease. The wheel bearings should be
repacked annually. Check for excessive end
play and tighten, if necessary.
Over greasing wheel bearings can cause them
to overheat, resulting in damage and/or failure.
4.3.17 Welding Repairs:
Repair welding must be done with care and with
procedures that may be beyond the capabilities
of the ordinary welder.
Before performing any type of welding repair to
the seed tender, contact Meridian
for approval.
Anyone performing a welding repair should
be certified in accordance to the American
Welding Society (AWS) standards.