Revised 08.2021
Operator’s Manual: 405 SLD Seed Express
Bulk Seed Tender
4.2.3 Every 100 Hours or Monthly:
15. Grease conveyor belt roller bearings.
16. Grease the hydraulic cylinders.
17. Grease the conveyor arm gears and
movement locations.
18. Check wheel nuts.
- Torque to 90-120 ft-lb
19. Adjust the trailer brakes.
20. Inspect tires for wear.
21. Grease the axles.
22. Inspect brake magnets for wear.
23. Inspect suspension parts for wear.
24. Check battery electrolyte levels, and clean
terminals to remove dirt and corrosion.
4.2.4 Every 200 Hours or Annually:
25. Change the engine oil.
26. Check hydraulic oil for contaminants.
27. Check hydraulic motor to engine shaft
coupling and spider.
28. Check that battery retains maximum charge.
29. Inspect brake lining wear:
- Check brake cylinder for leaks.
- Inspect brake wiring for damage.
30. Repack the wheel bearings:
- Check for excessive play in the bearings.
- Grease the wheel bearings.
31. Check the wheel hub for wear.
Fig 66 - Trailer wheels
Fig 67 - Discharge roller bearing
32. Inspect axle grease seal for leakage.
33. Inspect springs for any wear or loss of arch.
34. Inspect all electrical wiring connections for
looseness or corrosion.
- Tighten and/or seal, as necessary.
35. Check trailer axle, frame, hitch and tender
hold-down bolts.
- Refer to Section 6.2 Bolt Torque.
36. Check conveyor tube and bearing bolts.
37. Thoroughly clean the tender.
- Wash to remove all dirt, mud, debris and
- Wash around and inside the intake hopper
and chutes.
- Clean inside the conveyor tube, and belt.