TS790+ & TS900+ Installation Manual
Engineer’s Menu 1
A PSU-Battery
This circuit may be connected to the 519XB
power supply via the 519 FM PCB to allow
the monitoring of the standby battery. See
“Installing a Monitored Power Supply” on
page 21.
B PSU-Fuse
This circuit may be connected to the 519XB
power supply via the 519 FM PCB to allow
the monitoring of the standby battery. See
“Installing a Monitored Power Supply” on
page 21.
C PSU-Power
This circuit may be connected to the 519XB
power supply via the 519 FM PCB to allow
the monitoring of the mains power failure.
See “Installing a Monitored Power Supply” on
page 21.
Circuit Attributes
Each circuit type can have one or more
attributes assigned to it to alter its operation. The
following circuit attributes can be programmed:
1 Access
Circuits programmed with this attribute are
automatically isolated during the entry
procedure to allow a “walk through” route for
the user to access the remote keypad. The
“Access” attribute can only be assigned to
Night and Final Exit circuit types.
2 Double
Circuits programmed with this attribute will
only cause an alarm condition if:
a) The circuit is activated twice within the
Double Knock window (this time may be set
in the System Timers menu).
b) The circuit remains active for the whole
duration of the Double Knock window. The
“Double Knock” attribute can only be
assigned to Night, 24hr, PA and Auxiliary
circuit types.
3 Test
Circuits with this attribute will be disabled
from the system for the period set by the
“Test Time” (see System Timers). If the circuit is
activated during this period the activation
will be logged and the user is informed of
the circuit failure when trying to set the
system. The test fail message may only be
cleared with the Engineers passcode. If at
the end of the test period no activations
have occurred the circuit is automatically
removed from test and behaves as normal.
The test period is initiated by entering the
Engineers passcode. The “Test” attribute can
only be assigned to Night, 24hr, PA Silent, PA
Audible, Fire, Auxiliary, PSU Battery, PSU Fuse
and PSU Power circuit types.
4 Omittable
Circuits with this attribute are allowed to be
omitted by the user when setting the system.
The “Omit” attribute can only be assigned to
Night, 24hr, Auxiliary, PSU Battery, PSU Fuse
and PSU Power circuit types.
5 Reset
This attribute is normally assigned to a circuit
that is connected to a vibration or smoke
detector, so that during the “Detector Reset”
period the circuit is not monitored. The
“Reset” attribute can only be assigned to
Night, 24hr, Fire and Auxiliary circuit types.
6 Flagged
Circuits with this attribute are monitored
during the unset condition so that when they
activate the circuit activation is stored. When
the user decides to set the system, any
circuits that have not been activated during
the “Activity Dur” period are reported to the
user, indicating that the detector may be
obstructed. An example of this feature
would be to assign movement detectors
within a warehouse area with this attribute.
This would report to the user at the time of
setting any detectors that have become
obstructed by pallets etc. The “Flagged”
attribute can only be assigned to Night, Final
Exit and Exit Terminator circuit types.
7 Entry
Circuits with this attribute will initiate the entry
procedure when the system is part-set and
respond as normal when full set. This
attribute must be assigned to all circuits that
are required to initiate the entry procedure in
the part-set condition. The “Entry” attribute
can only be assigned to Night, 24hr and
Final Exit circuit types. When assigned to a
24 Hour circuit type, the circuit can be used
to initiate the entry procedure. Once the
system is unset the 24 hour will revert to
normal operation.