PAT400 Series
Power Up and Log in/Log out options
Factory default Power-up
When powering up the PAT400 for the first time there is no need to log in.
Unless a PIN is added or additional accounts created, the Login/Logout option is not enabled.
Power up and Login with PIN enabled
Unless an operator logs out of the PAT400, the operator will remain logged in, even when the PAT400 power is removed.
The default account may be PIN protected, see section 11.3.3 how to add PIN protection.
If the default account has a PIN protection, on powering up the PAT400 will display the log in screen as below, assuming the operator
has previously logged out of the PAT400. Otherwise the Warning screen will be displayed.
See section 11.3.3 for additional information on using PIN protection.
Apply power to the PAT400.
Enter the PIN for this account and press the
The PAT400 will display the warnings screen. If the wrong PIN is entered, the display will show the warning:
“Incorrect PIN entered”
Retry with the correct PIN.
Successful log in will then display the “Warnings” screen. Press OK to indicate you have read and understood the warnings.
The PAT400 will display the HOME screen.