M-142 Multifunction Calibrator
MEATEST, s.r.o.
User Manual v54
[SOUR] :EART :CURR (?) <CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
This command connects or disconnects the current Lo terminal to/from GND terminal.
ON or 1 grounds the current output
OFF or 0 ungrounds the current output
If query is sent, M142 returns ON if the current terminals are gronded or OFF if ungrounded.
EART : CURR 1 <cr> - grounds the current output terminals
EART : CURR ? <cr> - the calibrator returns ON or OFF
[SOUR] :AUX (?) <CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
This command connects or disconnects the output signals to AUXILIARY connector.
ON or 1 - output signals are connected to AUXILIARY connector, front panel terminals are disconnected.
OFF or 0 - output signals are connected to front panel terminals, AUXILIARY connector is disconnected.
If query is sent, M142 returns ON when the signals are connected to AUXILIARY connector or OFF when the
signals are connected front panel terminals.
AUX 1 <cr> - output signals are connected to AUXILIARY connector
AUX ? <cr> the calibrator returns ON or OFF
This command can be used to find out what type of cable adapter is connected to AUXILIARY connector.
If query is sent, M142 returns the type of cable adapter connected to AUXILIARY connector{ NONE |
CA14001 | CA14041 | CA14040 | CA14060 | CA5 | CA6 | CA7 }.
AUX :ADAP ? <cr> -
the calibrator returns NONE, when no cable adapter is connected,
or the type of cable adapter connected to AUXILIARY connector
[SOUR] :FREQ [:CW] (?) <DNPD>
This command sets the frequency being generated.
AC voltage frequency :
AC current frequency :
Digital frequency :
Represents the frequency in Hz. . “Technical Data” chapter lists the acceptable ranges which depend on the
selected function mode.
If query is sent, M142 returns the set value of the current using standard exponential format. Example: 20.5kHz
is returned as 2.004.
This command sets the duty cycle of PULP, PULS, PULN, PWMP, PWMS, PWMN function modes.
To set symmetrical squarewave voltage signal, 10V with defined duty cycle: