ME30 infobox connect
infobox connect
Automatic Horn Acknowledgement
The acoustic indicators are automatically acknowledged after the specifed time has elapsed.
Range of application:
All acoustic indicators
Default value:
0 s (manual acknowledgement)
Parameter range:
100 ms to 60 min
Acoustic Indicator Activation
Internal and external acoustic indicators can be activated separately.
Range of application:
Every connected acoustic indicator
Default value:
Internal indicator is active
1. External indicator is active
2. External indicator is passive
External Acoustic Indicator: Output Assignment
A maximum of 2 external acoustic indicators can be connected and assigned to one or more of
the up to 10 outputs. If an external acoustic indicator is set to the passive state, then the group
message function is activated automatically for this indicator.
Range of application:
Every connected acoustic indicator
Default value:
1. External indicator on relay output 2
2. External indicator not configured
Acoustic Indicator: Input Assignment
Each message input can be assigned to one or more of the three possible acoustic indicators.
If an assigned input is present, the corresponding indicator sets off an acoustic alarm signal.
Range of application:
Message channel
Default value:
All message channels on the internal and 1st and 2nd external indicator
Retrigger Function
Normally the acoustic indicator is activated if one of the assigned inputs is present and a
subsequent message can be indicated only after the previous message has been
If the retrigger function is set, the next present message is indicated (after the horn
acknowledgement) even if the previous message has not yet been acknowledged.
Range of application:
Message channel
Default value:
Not active