Page 27
Version 2023-07-27
Fire damper - FDMQ
TPM 103/14
Placement and installation
The fire dampers are suitable for installation in arbitrary
position in vertical and horizontal passages of fire separ-
ating constructions. The damper installation procedures
must be done so that all load transfer from the fire
separating constructions to the damper is absolutely
excluded. Following air-conditioning duct must be suspen-
ded or supported so that all load transfer from the
following duct to the fire damper is absolutely excluded.
The gap between the installed damper and the fire
separating construction must be perfectly filled with
approved material.
The damper must be installed so that the damper blade
(in closed position) is situated in the fire separating
construction - marked by the label BUILT-IN EDGE on the
damper casing. If such solution is not possible, the duct
between the fire separating construction and the damper
blade must be protected according to the certified install-
ation method
During the installation and plastering process, the
actuating mechanism must be protected (covered)
against damage and pollution. The damper casing should
not be deformed during bricking in. Once the damper is
built in, the damper blade should not grind against the
damper casing during opening or closing.
The distance between the fire damper and the construc-
tion (wall, ceiling) must be 75 mm at the minimum,
according to EN 1366-2. If two or more dampers are to be
installed in one fire separating construction, the distance
between adjacent dampers must be 200 mm at the
minimum, according to EN 1366-2.
Fire dampers can be installed without following duct on
one or both sides. Installation without following duct is
only possible in vertical constructions. In this case, the fire
dampers must be installed with cover grilles (additional
extension parts may be required due to overlapping of the
damper blade
). The damper must be
installed so that the activation device (thermal
fuse/thermoelectric activation device/smoke detector) is
located at the highest possible point of the damper (top
of the casing).
Minimum distance between the fire dampers and the construction
minimum distance 200 mm between dampers, according to EN 1366-2
minimum distance 75 mm between damper and construction (wall/ceiling), according to EN 1366-2
recommended minimum distance 150 mm necessary for access to the actuator
recommended minimum distance 250 mm necessary for access to the manual control
X = recommended min. distance for actuator ≥ 150 mm
X = recommended min. distance for manual control ≥ 250 mm
Y = min. distance for actuator ≥ 200 mm acc. to EN 1366-2
Y = recommended min. distance for manual control ≥ 250 mm