EN | 21 | ACX120/220 | Automatic cycle
Whenever the charge is not completed
the UNIT shifts automatically to the Zero
Tolerance mode.
The Zero Tolerance function is the
second charge procedure, an alternative
to the Quick Mode.
It features a more accurate charge and
guarantees a successful charge (it
however requires a longer time and the
operator's intervention).
If the car A/C system is equipped with
both couplers or with LP coupler only,
there are two slightly different working
modes; in any case if only the HP coupler
is available the Zero Tolerance mode is
not applicable.
With both HP and LP couplers available
the Zero Tolerance features the charge of
the selected refrigerant amount into the
system through the HP hose; then
refrigerant remained into the HP hose is
sucked by the car system – engine and
compressor running – through LP (after
disconnecting and closing the HP
In case the LP coupler only is available
the station charges the system with 50%
of the selected
amount with car
compressor off and waits for 10 minutes
before recalling the operator. This wait
time – quite rare since most of cars are
equipped with HP coupler too – allows
the refrigerant charge near the
compressor – that is LP side – to
evaporate to prevent any damage to the
compressor during the admission of liquid
phase refrigerant. Then, after car and A/C
system switch ON charge continues
through timed charge of refrigerant
through hose LP, such charges start
exclusively if the LP pressure is lower
than 3 bar (this threshold is adjustable).
Automatic cycle
The access to Automatic cycle can be
achieved selecting Last Cycle or My
database (a 100 personal automatic
cycle) .
Automatic cycle data
Database (optional)
MAHLE offers customers purchasing
ACX120/220 the possibility of enhancing
potentials of the UNIT through the
This database contains all data related to
the A/C system of most vehicles. Hence,
it will be possible to speed up the charge
operations of the system with the aid of
the data provided by the database.
Version / engine capacity
Last cycle
It loads the parameters of the last
automatic cycle.
My database
It allows loading the parameters of the
automatic cycle previously saved by the