With the dropdown menus of the “Language” section you
can change:
• Software Language.
• Chord Language: Italian (Do;Re;Mi..); International (A;B;
• Keyboard Layout: Italian; English; German
With the dropdown menus of the “Footswitch” section
you can associate:
• Commands to the MIDI footswitch: PlayPause;
Smooth; Harmonizer; GoTo. Either for “Single Press” or
“Double Press”.
• Volume of the “User” potentiometer: Click Volume;
Master Keyboard Volume; Harmonizer Effect.
The USER potentiometer is next to the Display, and
can be assigned by the user to one of the functions
In the “OPTIONS” work environment, you perform general settings and various adjustments.
You can change the software language, check the MIDI foot pedal, connect to the network,
transfer backing tracks, update the software and much more.
The work environment is organised in 7 sections:
Preferences; Network; Utilities; MIDI & CLICK (MIDI); Cueing; SIAE Log; System.
The operations and adjustments that can be performed in each section are explained in the
following paragraphs.
described above.
A virtual slider adjusts (Brightness) of the Merish5
Merish5 is fitted with a cooling fan that has three
operating modes:
“ON” always on
“AUTO” it switches on automatically when the oper-
ating temperature needs to be lowered.
“OFF” the fan is always off, and only switches on
if the operating temperature should reach critical
levels for the operation of the main CPU. Even if the
temperature exceeds the threshold, Merish5 keeps
working, although the processes are slowed down.
The player is always active.
The fan is set to AUTO by Default.