Here are all the functions to be able to manage your rep-
ertoire rapidly and comprehensively.
The main operation is to look for the songs, with the op-
tion of switching between internal and external storage
and vice versa.
It is possible to create Playlists and move the folders
and/or the individual files from or to an external periph-
eral, such as a USB pen drive, a Hard Disk or the Internet.
“Songs” button
Merish5 has an archive on physical memory that is able to manage a very high number of
Music Files, in a variety of Midi and Audio, Video formats. You can upload tens and tens of
thousands of Backing Tracks and Audio / Video Files, and this huge archive can be explored
extremely easily and quickly thanks to a Database structure specifically designed for music
archives. The Files may be classified according to different parameters, such as Title-Art-
ist-Genre, it is therefore easy to find what you are looking for among thousands and thou-
sands of music files. All the Backing Tracks produced by M-Live and distributed through the
website www.songservice.it include the complete information needed to optimise searches
and storage. As an alternative, with Merish5 it is possible to write the information inside
the songs.
All song browsing, exploring, search and selection operations are carried out inside the
“Songs” environment.
From here, you can access all the operations required during a Live performance such as
looking for backing tracks or playing the Playlists.
In this work environment it is possible to import or export a repertoire from and to a PC and
move the destination of individual files or folders in the main root of Merish5.
The “Songs” button opens a half-screen window that contains some virtual buttons on the
left and a list of folders and/or files on the right.
By default, this work environment is half-screen to
be able to see in the top part the lyrics and informa-
tion of the song being played.
All available functions are displayed when this work
environment is in full-screen mode.