Appendix IV
60 | Installation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions EASYCHLORGEN
2.2 Fitting the Distribution Systems
Fit the bottom distribution systems into the vessels – the bottom screens should be pre-
glued to the riser tubes (fig A.1) (smaller systems). Alternatively, if the system uses bottom
laterals these need to be assembled inside the vessels (fig A.2), Move the vessels to their
final positions as they will be difficult to move once the media has been added.
Fig A.1
Fig A.2
Fig A.3
2.3 Adding the Media
Block the top of the riser tubes to stop media getting down the tubes (see fig A.3). Add about
1/3 by volume of water to the vessels so when the media is poured in it doesn’t damage the
bottom distribution system. Add the media supplied but make sure there is approximately
30% free space left above the media so when the system is backwashed the media can
expand into the space and allow any sediment or contaminants to be backwashed away
(there may be media left over). Unblock the riser tubes.
2.4 Fitting the Valves
Add a small amount of silicone grease to the valve outer and inner O-rings (fig A.4 & 5).
Fig A.4
Fig A.5
If top screens have been supplied these should be attached next