The monitor can display the latest 2000 NIBP measurement data in the NIBP review function. After users
select the NIBP Data Review item under the System menu, the windows will display the latest 10 NIBP
measurement results and measurement time, as shown in the following:
Figure 3-9 NIBP Recall
Data is sorted in time sequence, from early to late, and each screen can display 10 times of measurement
data, while users can select ― ‖ or ― ‖ to view later or earlier data. Maximally 2000 measurement
results can be displayed, and when the measure times are over 2000, only the latest 2000 will be displayed.
ALM RECALL(Alarm recall)
When parameter alarm occured ,the monitor would be memory the alarm parameter data. Enter the ―MAIN
MENU‖ selected ―ALM RECALL‖ could be recheck the patient status in ―RECALL EVENT‖