NS upper limi
42-200 mmHg lower limit
40-198 mmHg
ND upper limi
12-150 mmHg lower limit
10-148 mmHg
NM upper limi
22-165 mmHg lower limit
20-163 mmHg
NIBP setting in measurements
Users can rotate the knob and move the cursor onto the ―Main Menu‖ to ―Survey Setup‖, then press
the knob to enter the NIBP
Setting menu.
Figure14-4 NIBP Setup
ALM ON/OFF: Where ―ON‖ is selected, the alarm prompt and saving will proceed when the pressure
is alarmed; where ―OFF‖ is selected, alarming will not happen, but
will be prompted beside
NIBP in the screen parameter area.
ALM REC: Users can select ―On‖ to output through recorder when blood pressure alarms happen
Unit: mmHg/kPa
MEASURE MODE:big or small
INTERVAL: Time interval (Unit: minute) for automatic measurement: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90,
120, 180, 240, 480 minutes, Manual, and Continuous. After users select an interval, there will be a
display of ―Please press the ‗START/STOP‘ button‖ in the NIBP reminder area, then users just press
the button to start pumping for the first time of automatic measurement. To end the automatic
measurement and return to the manual mode, users need only select ―Manual‖ during the
measurement interval.
DISP Colour: green, cyan, red, yellow, white, blue, violet.
NIBP SYS / NIBP MEA / NIBP DIA ALM STEUP: set the valve of NS ,NM ,ND high limit ,middle