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Clutch on/off switch
(3) Clutch ON/OFF switch (PSS)
It is used to engage/disengage the main clutch
before shifting the main gear shift lever instead
of the clutch pedal.
If pressing/releasing this switch, the engine
power shall be disengaged/engaged.
If pressing this switch for over 10 seconds, the
diagnostic code is displayed on LCD display and
this switch is automatically released and the
engine power shall be engaged. DO NOT
Be careful that this switch is NOT pressed by unintended operation.
If this switch is released automatically, the tractor may be moved forward/reverse
suddenly. BE CAREFUL !
(4) CAL/SEL switch (PSS)
This switch is used to calibrate automatically of
the power shuttle system oil pressure.
EHL : Electric hydraulic lift models
MHL : Mechanical hydraulic lift models
Comply with the following instruction;
1. Start engine and release the parking brake on a
level surface.
2. Place the power shuttle lever, main gear shift
lever and range gear shift lever.
3. Put throttle lever to the “Low” speed.
4. Press this switch over 3-seconds with
depressing clutch pedal fully to start the
automatic oil pressure calibration mode.
5. Place the power shuttle lever to the forward or
reverse position. The automatic oil pressure
calibration shall start.
6. After the process is finished, place the power
shuttle lever in neutral position.
To stop the calibration mode during the process,
place the power shuttle lever in neutral position.
CAL/SEL switch
CAL/SEL switch
Be careful that this switch is not pressed by unintended operation.