Digital Video Security System Start Up Guide
If you see the following messages in the Feedback window and yet you can see video
from the local (host) system, you are experiencing a Microsoft Direct Show error. This
error, while still allowing you to view video, prohibits you from setting Alarms and
Scheduled Tasks remotely.
The remote does NOT connect…
If after your remote system does not connect to the local (host) system, and you see
that not only does the Connect button remain blue and the Disconnect button is grey,
but at the bottom of the Windows Media Player window is does NOT display
“Buffering…” please check the Feedback window.
If you see the following messages in the Feedback window and yet you cannot see
video from the local (host) system, you system is not finding an
local (host). To fix
this, go to the local (host) system and start the Main Camera (or, if you created a
different connection on the local (host) system) in the Connection window.