problem appears, and then click the "end" button, "save" to the local for analysis or send
the log to the technician to locate the problem.
10.6 Common Trouble Cases
Table 40 - Trouble Cases
Trouble Case
Device could not boot up 1. The device is powered by external power supply via power
adapter or POE switch. Please use standard power adapter
provided or POE switch met with the specification
requirements and check if device is well connected to power
2. If the device enters "POST mode" (the SIP/NET and
function button indicators are always on), the device system is
damaged. Please contact your location technical support to
help you restore your equipment system.
Device could not register
to a service provider
1. Please check if the device is connected to the network.
2. If the network connection is good, please check your line
configuration again. If all configurations are correct, contact
your service provider for support, or follow the instructions in
"10.4 Network Data Capture" to obtain a registered network
packet and send it to the Support Email to help analyze the