Bridge Settings:
Priority—Sets the bridge priority value. After exchanging BPDUs, the device with
the lowest priority becomes the Root Bridge. In the case that all bridges use the
same priority, then their MAC addresses are used to determine the Root Bridge.
The bridge priority value is provided in increments of 4096. For example, 4096,
8192, 12288, and so on.
Hello Time—Set the interval (in seconds) that a Root Bridge waits between
configuration messages.
Max Age—Set the interval (in seconds) that the device can wait without receiving a
configuration message, before attempting to redefine its own configuration.
Forward Delay—Set the interval (in seconds) that a bridge remains in a learning
state before forwarding packet.
Designated Root:
Bridge ID—The bridge priority concatenated with the MAC address of the device.
Root Bridge ID—The Root Bridge priority concatenated with the MAC address of
the Root Bridge.
Root Port—The port that offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the Root
Bridge. (This is significant when the bridge is not the root.)
Root Path Cost—The cost of the path from this bridge to the root.
Topology Changes Counts—The total number of STP topology changes that have
Last Topology Change—The time interval that elapsed since the last topology
change occurred. The time appears in a days/hours/minutes/seconds format.
. The STP Global settings are written to the Running Configuration file.