Chapter 7 - Options
7.6 DB Resistors
1) Internal DB Resistor
SV-iS5 inverters up to 3.7kW have built-in DB resistor on Power stack as factory installation. Installing the external
DB resistor (Optional) kit is strongly recommended when the unit is used for continuous operation or motor rating
is above 3.7kW.
Applied motor
capacity (kW/HP)
Operating rate
(%ED/Continuous Braking Time)
Built in DB resistor
(Braking Torque: 100%)
0.75 / 1
3%/ 5Sec
200 ohm, 100W
1.5 / 2
3% / 5 Sec
100 ohm, 100W
2.2 / 3
2% / 5 Sec
60 ohm, 100W
200V Class
3.7 / 5
2% / 5 Sec
40 ohm, 100W
0.75 / 1
3% / 5 Sec
900 ohm, 100W
1.5 / 2
3% / 5 Sec
450 ohm, 100W
2.2 / 3
2% / 5 Sec
300 ohm, 100W
400V Class
3.7 / 5
2% / 5 Sec
200 ohm, 100W
Morek IT OÜ, Rauna 24, 76506 Saue Harjumaa, Estonia. Tel. +372 604 1423 Fax +372 604 1447 [email protected]