- Selecting interlock conversion method
In interlock operation, this screen is to set whether the Main/Subordinate conversion should be done be done either
by automatic or manual.
In case the automatic conversion is selected, the conversion between the main and subordinate is automatically ex-
ecuted when the deviation between the run hours of Compressor 1 and those of Compressor 2, which are counted
in 'Run information check/Run stop information', reaches the hour value set in 'Interlock conversion time'.
This means that the main compressor is switched to subordinate compressor, and the subordinate compressor to
main compressor.
- Selecting interlock conversion time
When 'Interlock mode conversion' is set in Automatic, it sets the time to make Main/Subordinate conversion auto-
matically. Conversion between the main and subordinate is made only when both compressors are all in either run
or stop.
- LAG compressor startup load (current %)
This screen is to set the % value of 'Current control proximity value (present current value against current limit set
value is shown in %)'. When the current control proximity value exceeds the set percentage, the subordinate com-
pressor is operated after the time set in 'Subordinate compressor operation load'. At this time, the operation key
lamp for the subordinate compressor should be kept turned on.
When the stop key lamp for the subordinate compressor is turned on, LAG compressor is not run.
- LAG compressor stop load (current %)
This screen is to set the % value of 'Current control proximity value. When the current control proximity is below
the % set value, the subordinate compressor stops after the time set in 'LAG compressor run delay'. At this time,
the operation key lamp for the LAG compressor should be kept turned on. When the stop key is pushed, the stop
key lamp is turned on and the LAG compressor is not operated.
- LAG compressor startup delay time
This screen is to set the time to delay the startup of the subordinate compressor when 'Current control proximity
value' reaches the run condition. The subordinate compressor can be started only after the subordinate compres-
sor's run condition is continued for the set time period.
- LAG compressor stop delay time
This screen is to set the time to delay the stop of the subordinate compressor when 'Current control proximity
value' reaches the stop condition. The subordinate compressor can be stopped only after the subordinate compres-
sor's stop condition is continued for the set time period.
(2) Interlock operation
- This screen is to set, of the two controllers, one is to be used for the main compressor, and the other for the subor-
dinate compressor.
- Push the run button for the subordinate compressor to light the Run Lamp. (At this time, the subordinate does not
- When the Run button for the main compressor is pushed, the main compressor will start.
- The subordinate compressor will start when the current limiting proximity value of the main compressor which is
higher than the % value set in 'LAG compressor startup point' is continued during the time period set in 'LAG com-
pressor startup delay time'.
- The subordinate compressor will stop when the current limiting proximity value of the main compressor which is
lower than the % value set in 'LAG compressor stop point' is continued during the time period set in 'LAG compres-
sor stop delay time'.
- Execute the Scheduled operation after making sure to set "Selecting interlock conversion method' to Automatic
when starting or stopping the chiller in Scheduled operation.
Summary of Contents for LCWW
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