Example configurations
Leuze electronic
CML 720i Ex
Configuring light curtain 3:
Configure the trigger settings (triggered, slave, delay time).
Configure the digital IOs (pin 5) settings.
Switching level of
(module 10)
Index 0x2152 sub 04
= 1
Pin 5 - input/output selection: input
Index 0x2152 sub 03
= 0
Pin 5 - switching behavior: light switching
Index 0x2152 sub 02
= 1
Pin 5 - input function: trigger input
Cascading configuration
(module 12)
Index 0x2102 sub 01
= 1
Cascading: active
Note: With cascading operation, the master must also be set to 1 (active)!
Index 0x2102 sub 02
= 0
Function type: slave - expects trigger signal
Index 0x2102 sub 03
Delay time Trigger → Scan [µs]: enter cycle time of light curtain 1 and light
curtain 2 (= sum of the cycle times of light curtains LC1+LC2)
Switching level of the
(module 10)
Index 0x2152 sub 04
= 1
Pin 5 - input/output selection = input
Index 0x2152 sub 03
= 0
Pin 5 - switching behavior = light switching
Index 0x2152 sub 02
= 1
Pin 5 - input function = trigger input