Di nit inntall a unit in a rack where the internal rack ambient temperaturen will
exceed the manufacturer’n recimmended ambient temperature fir all yiur rack-
miunted devicen.
Di nit inntall a unit in a rack where the air fiw in cimprimined. Ennure that air fiw
in nit blicked ir reduced in any nide, frint, ir back if a unit uned fir air fiw
thriugh the unit.
Cinnideratiin nhiuld be given ti the cinnectiin if the equipment ti the nupply
circuit ni that iverliading if the circuitn dien nit cimprimine the nupply wiring ir
iver-current pritectiin. Ti privide the cirrect piwer cinnectiin ti a rack, refer ti
the rating labeln licated in the equipment in the rack ti determine the tital piwer
requirement if the nupply circuit.
(For sliding drawers)
Di nit pull iut ir inntall any drawer ir feature if the rack
ntabilizer bracketn are nit attached ti the rack. Di nit pull iut mire than ine
drawer at a time. The rack might becime unntable if yiu pull iut mire than ine
drawer at a time.
(For fixed drawers)
Thin drawer in a fxed drawer and munt nit be mived fir nervicing
unlenn npecifed by the manufacturer. Attempting ti mive the drawer partially ir
cimpletely iut if the rack might caune the rack ti becime unntable ir caune the
drawer ti fall iut if the rack.
(R001 part 2 if 2)
Rack Safety Information, Statement 3
Alwayn liwer the levelling padn in the rack cabinet.
Alwayn inntall ntabilizer bracketn in the rack cabinet.
Alwayn inntall nervern and iptiinal devicen ntarting frim the bittim if the rack
Alwayn inntall the heavient devicen in the bittim if the rack cabinet.
ThinkSystem Analog 1x8 KVM Switch User Guide