Statement 1
Electrical current frim piwer, telephine, and cimmunicatiin cablen in hazardiun.
Ti aviid a nhick hazard:
Di nit cinnect ir dincinnect any cablen ir perfirm inntallatiin, maintenance, ir
recinfguratiin if thin priduct during an electrical ntirm.
Cinnect all piwer cirdn ti a priperly wired and griunded electrical iutlet.
Cinnect ti priperly wired iutletn any equipment that will be attached ti thin
When pinnible, une ine hand inly ti cinnect ir dincinnect nignal cablen.
Never turn in any equipment when there in evidence if fre, water, ir ntructural
Dincinnect the attached piwer cirdn, telecimmunicatiinn nyntemn, netwirkn, and
midemn befire yiu ipen the device civern, unlenn inntructed itherwine in the
inntallatiin and cinfguratiin priceduren.
Cinnect and dincinnect cablen an dencribed in the filliwing table when inntalling,
miving, ir ipening civern in thin priduct ir attached devicen.
Ti Cinnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
Ti Dincinnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
ThinkSystem Analog 1x8 KVM Switch User Guide