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Print samples: JET Rapid in comparison with JET3up – 2D codes ............................ 12
Print samples: JET Rapid in comparison with the option SPEED PLUS .................... 13
Print samples: JET Rapid in comparison with JET3up – 2D codes ............................ 14
JET Rapid Wire with Wire print head and stepped print head cover .......................... 20
JET Rapid Wire with Wire print head and beveled print head cover ........................... 20
JET Rapid Wire PI with Wire print head and stepped print head cover ...................... 21
JET Rapid Wire PI with Wire print head and stepped print head cover ...................... 21
JET Rapid Wire - Overview about features and applications ...................................... 22
JET Rapid Wire PI - Overview about features and applications ................................. 23
Print samples: JET Rapid Wire in comparison with JET Rapid................................... 25