The JET Rapid printer
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2.6.2 Print sample: JET Rapid with 70000-00031 ink
The print samples show that even with a small drop ink like the 70000-00031 the print quality for
barcodes with the JET Rapid is still perfect.
JET Rapid
55 µm nozzle
28 m/min
PQA (print quality assessment) for the printout
JET Rapid at 95% print height
DATAMATRIX 01234 >> PQA from Hand Held Products <<
DATA MATRIX ECC200: 16 x 16 modules in size
Data Field: 12 data & 12 chks in 1 block(s) of GF(256)
X roughly = 0.018"
[A] < Fixed Patterns: 0 module errors
[A] < Data Safety Margin = 66%
[A] < Horizontal Print Growth = -3% of X
[A] < Vertical Print Growth = +10% of X
The PQA show the highest readability for the printouts of a JET Rapid with the small-drop-ink 70000-
00031. The smaller nozzle size combined with a small-drop-ink has no significant effects on the Print
Quality Assessment (PQA).
2.6.3 Print samples: JET Rapid in comparison with the option SPEED PLUS
The print samples show that with a 7x5 font the option Speed Plus has quality advantages compared
with the JET Rapid at a speed higher than 200 m/min
JET Rapid with Speed Plus
option - 200 m/min
JET Rapid - 200 m/min
JET Rapid with Speed Plus
option - 300 m/min
JET Rapid - 300 m/min
JET Rapid with Speed Plus
option- 400 m/min
JET Rapid - 400 m/min
JET Rapid with Speed Plus
option- 500 m/min
JET Rapid - 500 m/min