Nunca vista ropa suelta, corbata o joyas (que peuden ser atrapadas por
engrenajes o rodillos de goma) mientras está realizando trabajos de
mantenimiento en la máquina.
Cleaning the laminator daily or weekly will help prevent dirt or adhesive build-
up on the rubber rollers and heat shoes and will improve the performance of
the unit.
During normal use excess adhesive from the film will often cling to the heat
shoes, especially near the edges. Film coating powders can also build up on
the shoes and will tend to increase friction between the film and the shoes.
This type of build-up may not be visible and it may adversely affect
lamination in a number of ways. Film squealing loudly as it passes over the
shoe can sometimes be a symptom of this problem.
Some films naturally tend to squeal, with or without coating powder build-up,
but cleaning the shoes usually helps reduce squealing and helps prevent
more serious problems.
To clean the shoes heat the machine to full laminating temperature to soften
the adhesive. Put on oven mitts or heavy gloves to protect your hands.
Using a clean, soft, dry cloth and gently rub the adhesive or other
contaminants off the shoes. Never use any abrasive material or rub too hard
on the shoes because you may remove the Teflon coating.
You may dampen your cleaning cloth with soapy water or a mild water-based
cleaning solution but make sure you carefully insulate your hands from
possible steam burns if you do this. The steam formed when water hits the
hot surface can penetrate both the cleaning cloth and your gloves.
Both the laminating rollers and the pull rollers need regular cleaning.
Collectively these are referred to as the rubber rollers. The upper heat shoe
on the laminator swings away in seconds, making it far easier to clean the
laminating rollers.
1. Remove the film from the laminator and allow the machine to heat up with
the rollers open and turning slowly. By getting the laminating rollers hot, it
will be easier to remove any adhesive built-up on the rollers.