rapidement avant que la colle durcisse. Procéder de la facon indiquée
ci-dessus pour régler le problème.
ADVERTENCIA: Si el plástico de uno de los rollos de abastecimiento
pasa por el plastificador sin ser igualado por una pelicula de plastico
del rollo opuesto, el adhesivo expuesto a los rodillos de goma adherirá
a los rodillos de laminación y causará un bucle monumental. Este tipo
de bucle es muy dificil de deshacer porque el plastico adhiere tanto al
rodillo como a sì mismo, a lo largo de toda la longituh de la película de
plastico acumulada sobre el rodillo. Es mejor deshacerlo
inmediatamente, antes de que endurezca el adhesivo. Siga los pasos
indicados más arriba para lograrlo.
To avoid this problem stop the laminator before either roll runs
out, cut the webs of film, and remove the two near-empty rolls of film, and
then rethread new rolls. When putting film on a laminator13 always use two
rolls of matched length and width.
Experienced users may leave the pieces of film remaining over the shoes
and in the rollers to help thread the new film. When the machine is warm,
the ends of the new rolls can be easily tacked to the already threaded pieces
because the adhesive layer facing outwards will be sticky. Be careful not to
burn yourself on the heat shoes.
Film is not properly adhered or starts to come off sometime
after lamination.
Unless there is something wrong with the film this problem
comes from film being run at too low a temperature. Check the heat setting
on the laminator. (see recommended temperature settings, section 5-5). If
the film is not sticking to the item it is likely that more heat is required.
If you are using 1.5 mil film this problem can occur if you are running the
machine too slowly. Because 1.5 mil film is thin and therefore loses heat
easily it can cool off too much between the heat shoes and the roller nip if it
is run too slowly.
If you are running thicker films you may have the problem if you try to go too
fast. In this case the thicker film may not have enough time on the heat
shoes to reach its adhesive melt temperature. Thicker films may be run at
low speeds with no problem.
When laminating posters or other thicker material with 1.5 mil film the paper
itself can absorb enough of the heat from the film to drop the adhesive below
its melt temperature. The film may start to come off immediately or it may