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Use Job Name as Email Subject, if checked will automatically fill the job name in the Subject line while selling
an email.
Import Job Mapping File, allows you to specify how you want to import job information into the program
based on what job tracking software you currently use to store customer information.
Set Install Days Automatically, if checked will automatically set the install date based on the Template Date.
Miscellaneous Settings
Drop-In Folder is used if you want to use a specific folder as your drop in folder. This is helpful if you don’t
want to see the sample sinks and marks we have included. Many users of will create a Drop In folder in My
Documents and save them all in there.
Remember Last Drop-in opens the drop-in menu to the last drop-in you used.
Auto shutoff wired LT-55 XL will turn off the laser to save battery after inactivity.
Zip files for Email when checked will zip all emailed files to compress them so sending is faster. When
unchecked, all emailed files will be sent unzipped.
Display Popup Calculator when unchecked will not pop up the number pad. This is mostly done on desktop or
laptops that have a keyboard available all the time.
Display Edge Type instead of Color changes Color in the right drawing menu to Edge Type for those
companies that do not specifically use colors but edge codes instead.
Display Radius Label on Drawing will automatically display all radius measurements when drawn.
Job Tracker Settings
API URL is the web address that is used to log in to Job Tracker on Moraware’s website. The address is
https://xyz.moraware.net/xyz/api.aspx where xyz is your company name.
User Name is your company’s Moraware Job Tracker log in name.
Password is your company’s Moraware Job Tracker password.
Estimate Settings
Here you can change the values used in your estimates. Area and perimeter can be modified based on what
treatment you assign to a specific color.
Group By Page, if checked, will allow the estimate option to group all the pages so that each page has its own
estimated values.
A Materials field has been added if you pass these costs onto the customer. Click the “+” button to add a new
line. Then click on the Material line and type in what you need to add. Similarly, click on the Cost line and
modify the cost to reflect the cost you associate with the material.